Tuesday 13 December 2011

Pampers share price falls

Yesterday was another major breakthrough in Brandon’s potty training. His first whole day wearing pants (no nappies) and he stayed dry all day long (no accidents). Not only did he do about 4 to 5 wees on the potty, but he did his first ever poo on the potty as well. Even better than that he stayed dry all last night and when he woke up this morning he asked for his potty to go for a wee wee and did a huge wee. Have we finally cracked it just in time for Xmas? Pampers share price will drop this week as I can finally reduce the amount of money I pump into their company on a weekly basis after 4 years of heavy investment in their products!!!!

Joshua had another great afternoon at pre-school and showed his keen interest and flare for cooking by preparing this nice little biscuit. Unfortunately I only got to see the picture as the boys had devoured it by the time I got home from work.

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