Wednesday 11 July 2012

Olympic Torch is Coming

We get closer and closer to the Olympics each day. The excitement continues to build and today our tickets arrived. Unfortunately we was away camping last weekend and missed the Olympic torch as it made its way through Basildon and Chelmsford. Such a shame as I would have loved to have taken the two boys. However all is not lost, Joshua has made this absolutely awesome Olympic torch at pre-school and I am so proud of him. I thinks its amazing.

Joshua's school made Olympic torch.

My little man proudly showing off his torch. I think we should let him take this to the Slalom Canoeing when we go.
The pre-school seem to really be getting the kids into the Olympic spirit and have also been recreating the Olympic rings with them. Below is a picture of Joshua's artwork Olympic rings which he brought home last week. I think when I get 5 minutes spare I will cut some potato rings so that Brandon can also have a go at painting his Olympic rings.

Joshua's Olympic rings. All the colours right, but not quite the right shape. Still a great piece of art.

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