Friday, 24 May 2013

Licking Cake Mix + Baby Update

No need to do the washing up when I make my special homemade sticky chocolate puddings! Just pass the kitchen utensils over to the boys and they will lick them spotless.
Sharing the love as they both lick the whisk together!
Baby Update: Well today we had the first appointment with the midwife to get the ball rolling again. The 12 week scan is now scheduled for 31st May.
Baby's development at 11 weeks.
We have explained to the boys that the baby measures around 4cm from the crown of his head to the rump meaning it would easily fit into the palm of your hand. At 11 weeks the baby has all of its parts, from tooth buds to toenails and his fingers and toes have fully separated. The baby will be busy kicking and stretching. Most of the baby's critical development will tail off in the next couple of weeks and the main task during the next six months will be to grow larger and stronger, until the baby can survive on its own outside the uterus (womb).

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