Thursday, 9 January 2014

Holly's Teddy Cloth

I have been a bit busy over the last week and not given the blog too much time or effort. Yesterday Holly was due to have her 6 weeks injections which would have been an ideal time to make another update. However the doctor cancelled at the last minute as she wasn't quite 6 weeks old (by 1 day!!!). Makes you wonder why they booked the appointment in the first place as they knew her D.o.B and age. It is a real shame because had she of got her injections done we were planning on taking her swimming for the 1st time this weekend. She has two lovely little swimming costumes to try on.

Anyway Holly is still doing very well and making lots of different cooing sounds now. Her hair appears to be getting darker and looks like it might be more like Tina's. In my opinion her eyes are also changing colour and look like they might eventually be a hazel/brown colour. She still has her birth mark on the top of her head but the health visitor saw her again today and confirmed it is nothing to worry about. Eventually as she grows more hair it will not be visible to anyone and it is not getting any bigger. Holly on the other hand is getting bigger - she weighed in at a whopping 9 lb 8 oz today which is quite a jump from her previous weigh in of 7 lb 13 oz. On the growth curves this puts her somewhere between the 25th to 50th percentile. Its funny how different the 3 babies where when you consider Holly is now 6 weeks old today and only weights 4 oz more than Joshua did when he was born!!!!

Anyway Holly is starting to get some dexterity with her fingers now and has started trying to clasp items. Last night she was grabbing her little teddy cloth and trying to bring it up towards her mouth. Unfortunately I didn't manage to get a picture of her actually clasping the cloth, but the picture below is still very gorgeous.

Holly with her teddy cloth which she was trying to grasp yesterday.

1 comment:

Nicky xxx said...

I agree Jay, another truly gorgeous picture of Holly. Glad that Holly likes her teddy cloth, Zoe helped to pick that out xxx