Holly has now experienced her first Halloween and Bonoween and all before she turns one year old. Saturday was a busy day with football training all morning, then football parties in the afternoon and then family coming around for our annual Bonoween event. The evening started with our usual visit to the Memorial Park for the firework display and as usual they did not disappoint. Holly was a little gem and showed no fear of the loud bangs, scream and lights. She watched the whole firework display from the comfort of the baby harness whilst kicking me continuously in the private regions with some heavy duty winter boots!!!!
Holly in the baby harness enjoying the firework display. |
For Bonoween, Holly dressed up as a little witch but would not wear the hat for blood or money. |
Surprisingly Holly showed absolutely no fear of any scary Halloween stuff. At her age the boys were petrified of scary masks or decorations. Holly just seemed to take it all in her stride. My demon mask was pretty gruesome but it didn't phase her at all after having a few rounds of peek-a-boo with the mask.
We 5 Kings all dressed up for Bonoween in our scary costumes. |
The KISMET crew 2014 Bonoween picture. Mum and Slim would have been proud. |
The Chinese lanterns were a semi success this year as I think we managed to get three of them semi-safely up in the air! |
Skeleton Brandon offering a helping hand to get and Chinese lantern ready for launch. |
Our annual pumpkin throwing event with Joshua and Brandon ready to launch their carvings (we won't mention about me spearing the soles of my trainers on the Wick Park Gates as I climbed them to stick my London pumpkin on top of them - ouch!). |
Loads of great food on offer starting with the typical jacket spuds and hot dogs. Auntie Nicky cooked her hot dog Mummies, Uncle Michael prepared some yummy pulled pork with Brioche rolls and Zoe prepare and amazing Halloween ginger bread house. Joshua was keen to destroy the house and so we let him loose with a meat tenderising mallet and an appetite for destruction.
One Halloween ginger bread house about to meet its doom. |
Uncle David helping salvage the pieces which were spread all over the kitchen floor (PS not to draw attention to it, but is that a double bald spot on the back of Dave's head?). |
Another Bonoween other and a great time had by all. I will regret letting Joshua and Brandon stay up until gone 10:30pm when they both have football matches over Forest Glade early Sunday morning.
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