Tuesday 4 November 2014

Happy 60th Nan

On Sunday evening we had a lovely meal at one of the boys favourite restaurants, The Quays, to celebrate their Nan's 60th birthday. A good time was had by all as it is not often that everyone gets together in our busy lives. All in all a really relaxing evening out in which the kids thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Holly sitting at the table like a big girl celebrating her Nan's 60th birthday.

Brandon being a little boozer.

A rare picture of all the grand kids together.

Joshua and Holly overlooking their Nan as she blows out the candles.
A picture of 4 generations of females in the family.

Nanny and Granddad with all their grand children.

Holly showing how to blow up a balloon.

Such a cheeky little girl.

Its amazing that Holly didn't bite a hole in the balloon.

I'll huff and I'll puff.

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