Sunday 30 August 2015

Tenerife Day 3 - Yellow Submarine

Day 4 and we spent the morning playing in the pool until 12.30 when we headed to Best Tenerife for a coach to the Yellow Submarine Safari which operated out of the beautiful San Miguel harbour. The submarine ride lasts around 50 minutes and takes you 30m deep which is on the limit for advanced scuba diving. Apparently this is one of only a handful of places in the world where you can go on one of these subs. Most tourest yellow subs are really glass bottomed boats but this is a genuine Eur 6 million submarine!!!!

Initially the boys found it boring but once we got to 30m deep there was a diver who hand fed a giant sting ray around the sub and attracted various other sealife. We ended up seeing trumpet fish, barracuda, parrot fish, eel gardens and so on. The boys thoroughly enjoyed the dive and learning how colours dissappear the deeper you go. We took some photos at 30m deep with and without flash to show how all the red and yellow dissappear.

Holly was a handful on the sub as initially you were not allowed to move around much, once we settled on the sea bed at 30m they allowed us to move around the sub which was much better for her. At the end if the trip they played the classic yellow submarine song and of coarse I taught the boys the better version of "we all live in a pot of margarine".. We got a nice souvenir picture and a certificate for our dive. 

When we got back to the hotel we all jumped straight in the pool to cool down and then had a nice bbq dinner in a packed out restaurant. The boys discovered the San Francisco kids cocktail and enjoyed an evening of dancing for tickets for the evening show. 

Joshua started the day unwell and hardly ate breakfast and lunch which is very out of character. He chucked up in the morning, on the coach to the Marina and on the way home. At dinner Brandon also started complaining about feeling sick but touch wood nothing materialised.

Family picture as we board the yellow submarine safari.
Josh and Brandon with the yellow submarinw bus that took us to the harbour.
The beauriful San Miguel harbour.
Brandon was fascinated by the viking ship in the harbour.
Brandon posing by a Viking ship in Sa Miguel harbour.
The yellow submarine pops up to the surface to load its passengers.
Stunning view looking out over the harbour.
Josh and Brandon at San Miguel harbour.
Tina trying to calm down Holly and stop her walking around the sub.
Josh and B weren't impressed at first, but soon loved the yellow submarine ride.
Brandon enjoying thw submarine experience.
Tina and Holly on the yellow submarine.
A Trumpr fish swims passed a window.
Another picture of Tina and Holly on thr yellow submarine.
Once we got to 30m deep a diver appeared to attract sealife around the submarine.
The sting ray swims right over one of the sub windows.
Joshua and Brandon fish spotting in the sub.
The diver brought the sting ray alongside the submarine windows so everyone got a good view.
A diver player with a sting ray whilst a large trumpet fish swims passed.
A shoal of fish swim past the submarines rear propellers.
Joshua in the yellow submarine 30m below sea level.
Me chilling in the jacuzzi pool.
Brandon puts his head through a water stream.
Brandon sticking his arm through a water fountain at pool side.
Joshua getting his head sliced off by a stream of water.
Joshua sticks his arm through a beam of water.
Holly developed a taste for chocolate ice-cream today and lived it.
My handsome little boy. Tina hates it when he has his hair like this, Harry Kane style.
Brandon and Holly dapper.

Joshua all dressed up and looking smart for an evening out,

Brandon and Holly all dressed up for an evening out.
Holly and Brandon dancing with Mummy to win tickets for a prize draw.

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