Friday, 7 August 2015

Toasting Marsh Mallows

Having recently returned from the Beaver Family Camp weekend the boys are well in to making camp fires and cooking marsh mallows and biscuits on them. I am not sure it is just how good it is that I have a 6 and 7 year old that seem keen to make their own fire!!!! Last weekend they nagged me senseless to help them make a fire and went as far as collecting all their wood during our Superworm Trail. Finally much against Tina's will I gave in and got an old wok out which I then allowed them to use their Beaver skills to prepare the fire. Once they had arranged all the wood I then lit the fire for them and we sat back and watched the flames until we were left with a pot of hot embers in order to cook on.
The boys picked a good selection of wood in varying sizes and within no time at all the flames were roaring from the wok.
Joshua feeling like a proper man who can make fire!!!
Little B being safe and keeping his distance.
I hope I don't live to regret letting them have a camp fire in the garden!
With only hot embers remaining we start cooking some yummy marsh mallows.

Brandon has a cheek full in his mouth and a triple whammy stacked on his cooking skewer.

Joshua getting ready to sample his cooking whilst me and Brandon get toasting more march mallows.

Through the teeth and around the gums.......
So proud they finally got to make a camp fire in the garden and to do some cooking.
Looks like I need to buy myself a garden fire fit so that we can start doing this a bit safely and more comfortably in the back garden.

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