Tuesday 25 October 2016

Alton's Xmas Display 2016

It has become a bit of a family tradition to view the Xmas displays at Summer Hill and Altons. My Mum always used to love going around to see the displays and would always end up spending a fortune. It almost seems too early to even be thinking Xmas as we have Halloween and Holly's birthday ahead of Xmas. But we made it to Altons already and got some nice pictures of the kids posing in front of some of the displays. Not too many pictures of Joshua as he now thinks he is getting too old for this!!!
Holly with the Xmas Sleeping Beauty display.
Brandon and Holly with the Black Swan.
Holly and the Snow Queen.
My two nut cases with the Nut Cracker display.
Holly and B with a little Santa.
The one and only picture of Joshua at Altons, and not a smiling one.
Holly looks very happy with the LED penguin lights.
Brandon and the LED reindeer display.

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