Today's blog has no real theme and is really just a little catch up from the last week or so. To start with we all know what a petrol head Brandon is becoming. Well last weekend when we were at Lakeside there was a few absolutely stunning super cars on display. There was a F-type Jaguar concept car, a Ferrari Dino and a Ford GT. After a good look around all 3 cars both me and Brandon agreed that out of the 3 we would have the Ford GT. Yet amazingly for some reason I didn't get a picture of the GT - must have been because we were too busy dribbling over it.
Brandon with the F-Type concept car. |
Brandon with the classic Ferrari Dino. |
Staying on the shopping centre theme we was in Basildon today and there was a Nerf display where they were letting kids try out a new semi-automatic gun. This thing was absolutely amazing. Battery operated and just pumped the bullets out like an Uzi in a Schwarzenegger film. Not sure how much they cost but I think we might have to invest in one of these bad boys for our next Nerf war!
Brandon letting rip with a semi-automatic Nerf gun. |
Joshua looking very gangster as he blasts the targets firing off about 20 shots in about 10 seconds. |
Moving on to technology we recently purchased a VR (Virtual Reality) head set that you mount your mobile phone inside. This thing is pretty amazing and with loads of apps that you can download ranging from roller coasters, VR games, underwater experiences and so on. Holly is absolutely hilarious when she wears them. She makes a comment saying "I see everythink" as soon as she puts them on. Then she starts walking around and tilting her head around in the funniest way ever. Whats really funny is if she sees something in front of her in VR world, she pulls the goggles off and is completely confused as to why it is not there in real life. We also found a really good space app which is quite educational for the kids as they can learn about all the planets and explore them in VR.
Brandon doing some VR scuba diving with a great white shark. |
"Whats that on the floor and why does it vanish when I take the glasses off" -! |
For this blog I will finish with Holly as well. She has been such an easy child growing up and as I have written before, she seems to be developing much quicker than the boys. It is incredible that you can now have simple conversations with her. Even in terms of illnesses she has been far more durable than the two boys (touch wood as I type that) apart from the apple up the nose event last week. However yesterday our little Princess did have a rare sickness over night and had us up pretty much every 2 hours all through the night being sick. This is so unlike her and it has been a long time since we had a night like this which used to be common thing with Joshua. Fingers crossed we have a better night tonight.
My not so little baby girl all smiles and showing how grown up she is at the park. If only she would let us put some hair clips in or tie that hair back. |
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