Sunday, 11 December 2016

Rock Star Times Tables

My how things have changed since I was at school. The two boys now get on-line homework with this website called Times Tables Rock Stars. Its actually a genius bit of software that is fantastic for helping the kids learn their times tables. To start with the kids get to pick their own character. Then as they progress through playing the timetables games which are basically 60 second tests, they can win on-line money to allow them to upgrade their character and buy new outfits etc.
But the really genius thing with the software is that it actually learns what times tables the kids are fluent at based on the time it takes them to respond to each answer. Then it codes all the times tables either green, yellow or red depending on how well they know them. So the software then quizzes them on the ones they struggling with and keeps repeating and repeating them until they get it to turn green. As they use the software more and more it progresses through giving them harder and harder times tables.

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