Yesterday we took a family cycle over to the Memorial Park in Wickford to play some tennis, football, a bit of crazy golf and to play in the park. The crazy golf over the Memorial Park has historically been very run down but this year they have given it a refurbishment along with the new cafe they have built. They have put up a new fence around the crazy golf to stop it from being ruined and it looks like they are going to start charging for people to use it. We was a little bit naughty and jumped over the fence to have a play as it is not officially open yet and we had taken our own golf clubs and balls in preparation.
Within a few holes we had realised that all they have really done if trimmed the grass and given the holes a lick of paint. The actual course though is pretty unplayable as the concrete golf greens are so lumpy and uneven that they are almost impossible to play. I think if they are going to start charging for this facility there will be a lot of unhappy customers. As a free to use facility we found it OK and had a bit of a laugh.
The refurbed holes look OK in the picture, but the concrete is really lumpy and bumpy. |
Brandon teeing off on a hole. |
The criss cross hole with 4 going under and 5 going over. |
Joshua gave up on this hole as it was impossible to get through the tunnel with the lumpy concrete. |
As a freebie the course is OK, but I wouldn't have wanted to pay and use it. |
The full 18 holes certainly look a lot better, but the playability needs improving. |
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