Sunday, 25 August 2019

Devon Camping 2019 Day 6 - Beach Fun, Fishing & Meeting Sparkle

Day 6 and the weather had improved significantly from yesterdays wet, cold drizzly, depressing conditions. Once again it was beach time in the morning and then in the afternoon the two boys headed over to the fishing lakes. Normally they charge £5 a day or £20 a week but they said it was a bit overgrown over there and gave the boys a licence for free to the end of the holiday! When we arrived over at the lakes they looked for from overgrown and were actually very tranquil and beautiful. Unfortunately we didn't catch much, but we need meet a nice old mad over there who gave Josh lots of tips on fishing and even gave him a couple of extra floats and some weights.

At the evening show Holly got to meet the Sparkle character who is one of the Park Dean kids characters. She also used some of her money to buy herself a Sparkle teddy which now sits very proudly on her bed at home.

The tent was still looking good despite all the rough weather.

Other tents were blowing around everywhere but ours was still pretty solid.

Joshua carrying the body boards down to the beach using his body board bag.

We pinched someone elses idea and tried making a giant whale sand castle.

It ended up reasonably big before the kids destroyed it.

Its a stranded whale.

As the tide had gone out again it kind of left ripples in the sand with lots of small pools of sea water.

Holly enjoying playing on the beach whilst the boys were in the sea.

Lovely to see all three of them enjoying the beach.

Final picture of the whale before they destroy it.

And there it goes.

Holly sitting across the whale as Joshua jumps on it again.

And now it is just a mess of sand.

And this is the so called overgrown fishing lake!

Brandon didn't spend long fishing before heading off to play with Holly in the park.

Joshua would fish all day given the chance.

Despite the lovely conditions he didn't catch anything today.

Brandon chilling by the lake.

Joshua tried using some crab which he found at the sea as bait.

Brandon just relaxing by the fishing lake.

In the evening it was yet more tickets in the arcades.

In the evening we watched the Starland Crazy show where Holly got to meet Sparkle.

Holly is in amongst the group picture somewhere.

There she is, bottom center.

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