Thursday 29 August 2019

Mulligans Crazy Golf

There is a fab new indoor crazy golf restaurant/bar opened up over Bas Vegas where Chicago's used to be located. Me and the boys checked it our before going to Devon but they only had one 12 hole course called "Arcade" open and were still finishing off the second 12 hole course called "Funfair". So we decided to give it a try once we got back from Devon and we were not disappointed. The courses are really creative, challenging and very playable. Me, Holly, Joshua and Brandon brought a family ticket to play both courses and must have been in there a couple of hours.

Brandon added up the scores afterwards and claimed to have beaten me by two shots - but I am not sure I am buying that. Joshua loved it so much he wants to go there for a family meal and play for his birthday this year. Holly did OK but I did have to keep showing her how to hold a club thumbs down and to stand the right side (most of the time I think she was trying to play hockey!).

The start of the Funfair course and me teaching Holly how to hold a club.

None of us made it under the dodgems first time on hole 2.

Brandon teeing off on the Funfair course.

The Funfair course is very colourful and creative.

Holly enjoyed the golf and insisted on going first on every hole (so impatient).

Brandon about to tap one in.

Brandon knocks one up a ramp.

Trying to feed a ball through this thin tube!

Joshua struggled on the bus jump and the ball kept bouncing out.

Holly aiming for the moving clowns face.

Brandon nails it.

Hit this one right and the caged lion roars at you.

Brandon teeing off at the lion.

On the final hole of the Funfair course, all 4 of you play at the same time in a race to score the least points.

On the Arcade course they have a Guinness cup hole which we found nearly impossible to bounce of the ramp and in to the cup. So instead lets have a sip of Guinness.

The Tetris themed hole was good fun playing two at a time.

Holly playing Tetris crazy golf.

Reminding Holly how to hold the club again. By the way I aced this hole!

A bit of air hockey golf, avoid the moving puck handle thingy.

Avoiding bouncing your ball off of tyres on the racing car track hole.

Really fun hole to hit the ramp at the perfect trajectory to get it in the basketball hoop.

A pool table themed hole.

On this hole you have to fire your golf ball in a pinball machine!

The Football table course is really good fun as your opponents can spin the football players kicking your ball around.

Holly tee's off on the football table hole.

As with the Funfair course all 4 of you play the final hole simultaneously. You all pick a colour, start the timer and then it is race on to get your ball in the hole first.

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