The great thing about these blog updates is that I only need to tell all the holiday stories once and everyone can read them. So no repeating the same old stuff over and over. Although that is not usually a problem for me when talking about my boys. Anyway Day 2 was off to the South of the island to Blackgang Chine. But first we had to wake two little sleepy heads!

Once in the park one of the first things we did was visit the dinosaurs. Tina and Brandon were first to spot a dinosaur coming face to face with a Brontosaurus.

Here is me and the boys with a triceratops. Joshua recognised the horns as bone!

Despite ready the boys lots of dinosaur books the name of this little beast has slipped me memory. Hopefully you can all name the two little beasts on top though.

Who can mistake a T-Rex. Joshua is just the right height to hide in between his legs.
This little dinosaur got a right good telling off from Joshua who was not in the slightest bit impressed that he was biting another dinosaur. For about 10 mins all we got was "naughty dinosaur", "don't bite".......

Joshua loved playing with the water guns and thought he was fireman Sam. Needless to say this machine saw the better side of my wallet every time we went past it.
Daddy and Brandon riding on the spinning tea cups (a beer barrels).

As you would expect with a name like Blackgang Chine there is a lot of Western/cowboy themed parts to the park. Here is an old steam train which Joshua pretended to drive.

All good cowboys can ride here is me and Josh saddling up.

Brandon was a bit small for the big play horse so instead we took him on the horse and carriage,
Then Joshua took his little brother on a ride on a little mini horse and carriage.
Check out this picture. Look closely and you will see a rope around my neck. Look a little closer at the rope hanging off to the left and you can just about make out Joshua holding the rope.

Day 2 was the only day during the week when we had a slight bit of drizzle. Fortunately for Brandon he was just the right size to camp out in the shoe house until it blew over.

Tina and Brandon walking through the skeleton of a Whale found off the coast of the Isle of Wight.

And then Brandon running up and down the inside of a whale. He loved this and both boys were chasing each other through the whale as it squirted them with water.
Was it the steering wheels or were the boys genuinely interested in the workings of these mini engines. You decide..........

We did a lot more at Blackgang but this Day 2 blog is starting to drag out a bit and I need some sleep before work tomorrow. So I am jumping ahead to the evening in the arcades. Firstly Joshua practicing his pool skills. Is this the making of the next Ronnie O'Sullivan?

And then a final outlet to let off some steam before bedtime - smash some annoying little frogs over the head with a hammer.

Check in for Day 3 tomorrow with highlights from the Zoo, Dinosaur Isle and Sandown Pier. It could be another long one.
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