Well we are back from an awesome weeks holiday in the Isle of Wight. The weather was fab and the boys were both very well behaved given the new environment etc and their first holiday in a caravan. The week was jam packed with various activities including theme parks, beaches, pools, zoo's, dinosaur stuff and so on. So over the next few days I will try and provide day by day updates on the boys trip to the island.
Two amazing things which I will take from this holiday are 1) The experiences we have given Joshua and Brandon and how much they have learnt over the week and 2) watching the two boys get on so well together and play / chase each other around etc.
On the first point about learning, Brandon has learnt lots of new words this week including rabbit, car, boat, Josh etc.etc. and is really trying to replicate any sound you make. Joshua has learnt what a
toboggan is?, How a ferry works?, he can now recognise churches, he has learnt about the seaside and how to find and open
cockle shells etc.etc. Even more impressively he was picking up leaflets in the caravan and recognising placing which he had been 2 or 3 days earlier.
So onto some pictures. Well upon arrival at Portsmouth we boarded the Ferry to
Fishbourne. Joshua took to the helm and drove onto the big boat (
cool dude sun glasses).

As you can see from below the weather was nice from Day 1 with blue skies and temperatures in the 20 degrees, what more can you ask for with a UK based holiday.

A rare family picture of the four of us on the Ferry. Yes I know Brandon needs a hair cut and has the wind swept look.

Notice I am missing from this picture. I was actually running all around the ship on the lower decks trying to chase down Joshua's hat which blew over the railing.

The two boys loved having the freedom to run around and explore the decks of the ferry.

The blue non slip surface was perfect for little Brandon to find his sea legs.

Once at
Fishbourne it was back into the car to head off to Nodes Point. On route we started pointed out the churches to Joshua.

Not to waste anytime, after a nice lunch and checking into our caravan we took off for a nice stroll down to the local beach. Below is some odd tower located in the sea front, I assume some sort of look-out or out-post from previous eras.

As you can see the water was amazingly clear and Joshua wasted no time in getting his feet wet, regardless of whether he got his shoes, socks and trousers wet in the process.

Little Brandon loved playing in the sand and when he wasn't in the sand he was picking up stones and then toddling down to the shore to throw them into the sea. He has a mean right arm on him!!!

As this was a bit late in the day and a bit impromptu we forgot the bucket and spade. Brandon was not amused.

Here is Joshua teaching his younger brother the finer art of "lobbing" stones into the sea. Don't ask why I rolled his trousers up as they were already soaked anyway.

After the long journey and then the fresh sea air both boys were absolutely shattered and despite the excitement of holiday and the caravan environment, they both slept very very well and were out cold at around 7pm. So after a good nights sleep the exploration of the island started on Day 2 with a trip down to the South of the island to
Blackgang - check tomorrows blog for Day 2.
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