Monday 22 September 2014


For the last few weeks Holly has learnt to make this really horrible scrunched up face where she breaths through her nose. Tina thinks it looks cute, but I think it looks really horrible. In fact every time she does it all I seem to be able to think of is the Chucky character from the horror movies. I know it is a horrible thing to say about my beautiful daughter, but take a look at the picture below and you can see what I mean.
Blue eyed Holly with her "Chucky" face on.
And then the real blue eyed Chucky!
Talking about Holly being a little monster - it was a good job I put the stairs gates up 2 weeks ago. Just look at the picture below and see where Tina found Holly a few mornings ago! 

Our little monster climbing the steps and then standing up on the stair gates!

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