Friday, 5 September 2014

First Day Back at School

Yesterday was the two boys first day back at school. Joshua starts his Year 2 and Brandon starts his Year 1. The night before both boys were excited and looking forward to going back to school. Joshua woke early and got himself all washed, teeth cleaned and uniform on ready. Once they got to school Brandon started being a bit silly and was crying and clinging on to Mummy not wanting to go into school.

Eventually they both got to class and had a really good day. For once we actually got a lot of feedback from both of them about what they did during their first day. I bet this won't last for long. This year we have the added bonus of not having to prepare packed lunches as all the kids are entitled to free school dinners under a government scheme to promote healthier eating.

Joshua seemed to be really positive about his teacher and commented that she seems much nicer and that he gets on better with her than he did in his Year 1. So that's a really encouraging start and a relief off our minds after last year.
Josh and Brandon all ready for Year 2 and Year 1 (respectively). New Avengers and Spiderman school bags in hand.

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