Friday 3 October 2014

Big Ben and Holly in a Swing

With the two boys studying all about London at school this week their homework was to model of a famous building from London. Joshua chose the Queens Palace and Brandon chose Big Ben. I forgot to take pictures of their creations until it was too late, but I did manage to get one picture of Brandon outside his classroom just as he was taking his work inside
Brandon with his modified Big Ben including St George cross flag and a soldier guard!
For the rest of today's blog I have some lovely picture of a very happy Holly enjoying some time in the swing over at our local Wick Park. She is such a happy little girl.
Holly enjoying some time over Wick Park.
She loves the swings but is unsure of the slides.
My beautiful little girl.
"Look no hands Dad!" - or is she doing a Superman pose.
What a happy little girl.

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