Friday 30 November 2018

Brandon the Athletics Superstar

Very well done to Brandon. About a week or so ago he attended a school athletics event and did pretty amazing. He has had to get up extra early for the last term to attend pre-school day training sessions. But clearly his hard work paid off as he achieved 1st place in the 6 lap relay and 2nd place overall.

Thursday 29 November 2018

Holly's 5th Birthday.

Yesterday was Holly’s 5th birthday and I think she had a really nice day. She got loads and loads of amazing presents including her main present which was a giant dolls house which is taller than her! She also got some new dolls, a unicorn fingerling, some jigsaw puzzles, a painting unicorn, some bath bombs, some LOL dolls, an LOL doll pencil case, some clothes, some Shopkins, a unicorn and Paw Patrol teddy and a Princess Lego set to name a few.

I was pleased I made a decision to build the doll house the night before as this became quite a task, although I have to say that I was quite looking forward to building it. When Holly saw her pile of presents in the morning she went straight to the doll’s house and started playing with it immediately – so that was a good choice. The next task is to clear some space in her bedroom for it before Xmas!

Her cake this year was a homemade Unicorn mould cake that Tina made. The birthday celebrations will now continue on Saturday when she has her Monkey madness party with all her friends and then more cake and presents for my princess.

The night before and after an hour or two the doll house is built and the presents for Holly's 5th Birthday are ready.

Happy Holly with one of her birthday balloons.

Birthday selfie with Daddy before presents and then school.

Holly made an instant bee-line for the dolls house and absolutely loved it.

One of Holly's LOL dolls which is basically about 10 layers of unwrappable wrapping.

After finally giving in to a pair of scissors, There are 4 or 5 mini bags of LOL stuff.

Holly's new paw patrol teddy watching on as she opens another present.

Happy Holly with her Unicorn Fingerling.

Ripping in to another present.

A Barbie family to fill Holly's new dolls house.

A very large unicorn for Holly to paint.

More LOL stuff - a pencil case / stationary set.

Time to settle the new Barbie family in to the dolls house.

I think we picked the right thing for Holly's main present.

A rather tasty chocolate unicorn cake that Tina made for Holly, didn't look a million dollars but tasted very good.

Settling down to complete a 48 piece LOL puzzle with Auntie Nicky.

And she's finished. Next for the Fingerling Unicorn puzzle.
Holly was the baby of the family, now she is celebrating her 5th birthday with the new baby in the family, Rory-Paul.

Monday 26 November 2018

Lapland UK 2018

So a week ago the kiddies all got a personal invite from Santa to visit Lapland UK and Holly in particular was really excited to be meeting Santa and the Elves. I was a bit sceptical about Lapland UK having already been to the real Lapland with the boys a several years ago, but I have to say that Lapland UK did not disappoint and I came out of there thinking it was worth every penny.

The setting for Lapland UK is just incredible and once you enter through the main lodge you honestly wouldn't know you wasn't in Lapland. As we had an evening ticket it was dark and cold which all added to the atmosphere and feel of the event. Me and the boys wore our Xmas jumpers and the girls wore their Xmas dresses, then the 3 kiddies all took their Elf hats as well.

There was tour tour groups through Lapland, team Reindeer and team Husky, we were assigned team Husky for a 4:30 departure. Once an Elf has educated you on the meaning of big folk and small folk etc you head off through the enchanted forest where we met Eko and a few other Elves. They taught us all about the enchanted woods and how Elves don't have birthdays but actually have cone days as they are born from magic cones off of trees. Throughout the whole event we had to say hello the way Elves do which is putting you thumb on your nose and wiggling your fingers as if taking the mickey out of someone.

After the enchanted forest we then headed back through the forest and on to the toy factory where the kids met one of the naughtiest Elves called conker. In the toy factory each child had to help make a stuffed toy penguin by stuffing it, giving it a heart, dressing it, then feeding it fish before handing it in to another Elf to be wrapped for Xmas.

From the toy factory we were led to Mrs Claus kitchen where the little folk all got to decorate some gingerbread and then sat down for a lovely story with Mrs Claus. Each of the 3 sections we had been through to this point lasted half an hour each, so we had already been there over two hours and hadn't made it to the Xmas village, ice skating or seeing Santa yet.

From the kitchen we were finally led to the Xmas village where we had an hour and a half to spend doing with a bit of free time to explore some shops, grab some food, visit Santa's post office, meet some Husky dogs and Holly's favourite, the ice-skating. No cash is accepted in the village, you have to transfer your money in to jingles if you want to buy anything!!! For dinner I had this absolutely amazing turkey, cranberry and stuffy pie with chips, mushy peas and gravy. It was just delicious.

Holly thoroughly enjoyed the ice skating and put Joshua to shame by ditching the penguin and actually skating on her own, albeit she did have little kids twin blade skates for more stability. The ice rink was beautifully set-up with a huge Xmas tree as the center piece.

The hour and a half went so quickly and before long we were walking back through the woodland, passing more Elf houses as we searched for the reindeer and then eventually Santa himself. The grotto was amazing and Santa knew all about the kids best friends, what they had achieved and what the liked doing. Fortunately all of their names were in Santa's good book although we did joke that Joshua perhaps should be in the other book. As an early Xmas present the 3 kiddies all received a beautiful fluffy toy Husky dog which Holly named Izzy.

A truly amazing experience and a great day out leaving 3 very tired kids sound asleep in the back of the car as we drove the hour and a half home. Not ideal to have a late night on a Sunday before school, but it was so worth it and I would highly recommend anyone thinking of going to just do it.

Arrival at Lapland and Holly looking good in her Xmas dress and Elf hat.

The sign says it all.

Our journey started at the enchanted village.

Waiting for the 4.30 Husky departure to leave.

The kiddies outside a little Elf house.

I thought this large wooden clock in the main lodge was amazing.

Josh and B warmed up with a hot chocolate. Note the "Flossing through the snow" jumper.

We were assigned team Husky.

The first Elf we met explaining small folk and big folk.

Off through the enchanted forest we head.

Here we met Eko and learnt that Elves come from magic pine cones.

Note the large magic cone on the floor.

To get around Lapland the small folk all needed passports and had to collect activity stamps from the Elves.

The kiddies outside another tiny Elf house.

The forest land was all covered in fake snow which made the forest look really wintry.

Inside the toy factory and ready to help build some toys for Santa.

Some of the toys already made by the Elves. 
Listening to silly conker.

The Elves tool cupboard.

The kids start working on making their stuffed toy penguin.

Holly's penguin looking really good.

Last job was to stuff some fish in its mouth.

Brandon was last to finish out of the 3 kiddies.

Then the kids had to hand their toy to another Elf for wrapping.

Brandon finally finishes.

And off we head back through the forest in search for Mrs Claus' kitchen.

Nearly there.

Mrs Claus and more Elves waiting to help the kids make their gingerbread and then have a festive story.

The kids got a picture taken with Mrs Claus.

Joshua getting his passport stamped by an Elf.

Then Brandon.

And Holly more interested in painting icing sugar on her gingerbread.

Another stamp collected in their passport.

A nice touch that the small folk had to wear Lapland aprons to cook.

One of the finished products, yummy.

Once finished the gingerbread was placed in the Baking Time bag whilst the small folk had their Xmas story.

The 3 kiddies with their Lapland aprons on.

After about 2 hours we were finally heading towards the Xmas village.

No expense spared with the setting and props.

All the shops and restaurants had little doors for small folk and normal doors for big folk.

My mum would have loved the giant nut crackers.

The 3 kiddies with a giant nut cracker.

Holly's highlight of the day was the ice skating. Although she didn't use the penguin all the time.

Holly and Brandon ice skating in front of the large Xmas tree.

Tina stayed with the bags and let me take the kids skating (any excuse to avoid falling on her arse!).

Really proud of Holly learning to skate without the use of the penguin.

Perfect wintry setting for an ice rink. It just looked amazing.

Holly and B having fun on the ice.

Picture of me and the kiddies on the ice.

Me being irresponsible and pushing Holly along too quickly. 

Me and my princess. Nice foot wear,

And you thought all Elves were small, not this one.

The kiddies with a the tall Elf.

This was my dinner, it may not look much but it was amazing. The best pie I have ever had and I want to know how they made those mushy peas.

Dinner time in Lapland.

After an hour and a half in the village we set off to the reindeer's and Santa.

A really tiny elf house.

Holly was asking the smaller blue Elf what she has to do to become an Elf one day.

We 5 kings. Looks like Josh has a light Sabre but it is just a reflective strip on his coat.

Naughty conkers Elf house.

Me and my kiddies. Love em to bits.

Holly searching for the reindeer's.

Beautiful looking reindeer's.

Two were missing as there was only 6.

Is that the real Santa sleigh.

And at last we meet the real Santa and he gives the kiddies an early present of a soft toy husky dog.

Santa showing the kids they are in his good book.

Picture of the 3 kids and Santa before getting a family picture. Santa also presented them with their own golden bell making them certified Elves.

Lovely family picture of 2018 with Santa.

At the end of a long day the kids fell asleep in the car on the way home all cuddling their husky dogs.