So after a very long day covering over 20,000 steps and 10 miles, our day out was finally coming to an end, but we made it to the Emirate Cable Car at North Greenwich and travelled across the Thames and back. I knew nothing about these cable cars until earlier this week despite the fact that they have been there since 2012. They provide an amazing view of the city skyline as you reach a height of 295ft travelling at 6m/s.
I don't think Tina enjoyed the ride much and stayed bolted to her seat telling anyone off when they stood up causing the cable car to rock. Holly seemed to enjoy is but kept saying she felt very nervous being up so high. The boys were busy looking for famous landmarks which given the beautiful weather meant we had spectacular views across London. The cable car ride was a really good way to end our visit to London before heading back to Stratford to grab some dinner before heading home. 5 sets of very tired legs and we all slept very well when we got home.
Making our way on to our Emirates cable car. |
Ready for our voyage across the Thames. |
Selfie on the cable car. |
One of the first things you see is this weird statue in the Thames. |
Rising up to the 295ft peak of the cable car. |
Stunning views across the city skyline. |
Me and my little Princess balancing out the cable car with Tina and the boys on the other side. |
London City airport in the background. |
Tina putting on a brave face but not enjoying it as much as Josh. |
Seems crazy that these pillars support all the cable cars. |
Stunning view of the O2 and the city skyline as the sun starts to set. |
We picked the perfect day for the cable car ride. |
Holly enjoyed the ride so much she wanted to go again and again. |
The Emirates cable cars were definitely a highlight of the day for the kiddies. |
After the cable car we went in to the Emirates aviation section and got to see what an Airbus cockpit is like. |
Would you travel on a plane with these three flying???????? |
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