Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Half Term Golf with Brandon

On Sunday myself and Brandon had out eyes glued to the TV as the great Tiger Woods made probably one of the greatest comebacks in sport to win his 5th Masters Championship and his first Major since something like 2005. What made his win even better was the cheeky little £5 bet which I had on Tiger to win, thank you very much. My winnings pale in to insignificance in comparison to the $2 million that Tiger won!

Anyway the day after we decided we haven't played a round of golf in ages so we headed over to the Dunton Hills par 3. Joshua is not interested in golf anymore which is a bit disappointing so it was just me and B. Holly wanted to come but even the Par 3 is just too big for her at the moment.

Brandon's drives were really on point, unlike mine which predominantly hooked left. But Brandon couldn't putt to save his life and would often take extra shots pulling a ball back and trying a shot again (of course none of those shots made it on to his scorecard!!!!). Not sure where he gets that from.

Anyway it was a lovely day for golf and we really should get out more often.

Brandon desperately needs to working on his putting, often taking 4-6 putts!!!

But his driving was on point and nearly always right down the center of the fairway.

The after shot pose for Brandon.

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