Day 2 in Sunny Beach and very little sign of the clouds/rain from the day earlier and beautiful blue skies. Brandon drew the short straw and shared a room with Joshua last night meaning he got virtually zero sleep due to the snoring. The poor lad gave up trying at 5:30am and went off for a walk down the beach and then a hotel gym session whilst he waited for the rest of us to get up.
As a result of Joshua's snoring we spent most of the day messing around by the hotel pools as Brandon spend most of the morning catching up on sleep on one of the pool loungers. Around lunchtime we decided to wake him with me and Joshua grabbing his feet and hands and swinging him in to the pool.
To keep us entertained in the pool we sent Joshua off to buy us a new beach/pool ball and he came back with a bright pink soft volleyball. To be honest it was perfect for the pool and also great for practicing headers as it wasn't hard leather.
In the evening we played a round of gold on the Majestic Mini Golf which was located right between our hotel pools and the exit to the beach. The Mini Golf course looked really nice lit up of a night time with the hotel in the background. We finished off day 2 with a nice walk along the strip again to walk off some of todays calories as we had all been abusing the all inclusive.
Nice and quiet in the pool. |
Poor Brandon desperately needed to get some shut eye. |
Holly had a good practice of her snorkeling in the pool. |
She learnt the snorkeling very well which was good practice for our Catamaran trip later in the holiday. |
Off she goes... |
Joshua wisely keeping his shirt on on Day 2 as gingers don't do well in 30 degree heat. |
Meanwhile Brandon is still dead to the world. |
Thumbs up from Holly. |
We managed to rotate Brandon so he could cook a bit on the other side. |
But then we needed to wake him for lunch. |
Luckily me and Joshua are big enough and strong enough to get a good swing. |
In he goes... |
A very gay pose by me with our new pink volleyball. |
Brandon swimming for the ball. |
A but of pool volleyball. |
After a morning of sleep Brandon is starting to wake up. |
Joshua once again doing his best to hide from the camera. |
Nearly got a picture of Joshua. |
The boys were getting fed up with me calling this view "Majestic" everyday. |
Palm tress on resort. |
A rare occasion with all 3 kids playing nicely together. |
The pool kept us entertained for hours each day. |
And our new ball got plenty of use creating lots of new games. |
Sneaky picture of Josh. |
Holly wrestling the ball from Brandon, |
Race on for the ball. |
A round of Majestic Mini Golf after dinner. |
The sun went down quickly despite starting the round in the daylight. |
Holly taking a shot. |
The sun starts to set and the Mini Golf and fountain look lovely illuminated. |
Joshua taking a shot. |
Then Brandon. |
The loop was pretty much impossible. |
Even the power of big Josh couldn't get the ball through the loop. |
Brandon tried getting very close and still failed. |
Interesting hole, pick a slot? |
By the back 9 the sun had completely set. |
My ladies. |
The end of a nice round of Mini Golf. |
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A souvenir picture of the 3 kids taken by the hotel photographer the day earlier. |
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And then all of us as a family. |
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