Sunday 12 February 2012

Poorly Painting

Another busy weekend with the boys and unfortunately still trying to manage their colds / flu's from last week. Brandon seems to have caught it pretty bad now and neither of them have eaten much today. Fortunately they both perked up yesterday and we had the pleasure of taking their Nanny to the swimming pool with us as she was really keen to see how the little dudes have progressed with their swimming. I think her comments were along the line of "fearless....".

Anyway as the boys have been feeling a bit worse for wear and the weather is so cold outside, I have been trying to keep them entertained indoors without resorting to the TV. We spent about an hour this afternoon doing this rather spectacular painting mural.

Believe it or not the big green blob on the right started life as a good old fashioned steam train.
Brandon painting over my aeroplane. Apparently you do not need windows to see out of.

You can never have enough green...........

And here is the finished work of art, the bidding starts at..................

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