Today started with the usual Sunday morning of nearly 3 hours at the boys football club. Brandon has improved no end over the last few weeks and really enjoys going. He needs very little assistance and pretty much does everything the coach asks. However despite being excellent he is not quite ready to go up in to Joshua's class. This is unfortunate as today Joshua got promoted to the next class up with the other 4 year olds. So whilst this will be great for Joshua it makes Sunday morning a logistical nightmare as there is now an hour gap between the two boys classes. So I will need to take Brandon on his own, then go home for a quick coffee and get Joshua, then go back down the football club for round 2 with Joshua. Guess I better get used to being a taxi for the boys.
Anyway after football club and lunch we cashed in on the recent interest the boys have shown in rugby by heading over to Lakeside to watch their cousin, Amy, in a game. Unfortunately for Amy she got injured today and ending up pulling out of the game, but that didn't stop us from having some fun on the rugby pitch once the game was over.
A concerned Brandon looking on as his cousin gets some medical attention on the sidelines. |
Once the rugby was over Brandon was keen to get on the pitch and play some football. Obviously football club this morning did not fully satisfy his needs or tire him out enough. |
I was ordered by the little man to be the goal keeper while he cracked shots at me. |
Joshua also enjoyed a touch of football and had a good run around the field. This did not last for long as he decided he fancied a go at rugby - namely tackling his Dad to the ground! |
Joshua "tonk's" the ball down field then chases after it in hot pursuit. |
As I mentioned earlier the boys have become quite interested in Rugby as we have been watching the 6 Nations tournament at home. Its amazing how after watching a few games on TV and then watching Amy's team play, that Joshua has picked up on the concept of a scrum and a tackle. He wasn't really that bothered about whether a ball was involved, he just wanted to get his head into a tackle and wrestle you down to the ground.
Joshua takes on his Dad in a tackle. |
I decided to play along and show him how to drive in a scrum position. |
After making him work for a bit and drive me backwards I would give in and fall to the floor with him in top. Much to his enjoyment. He even managed to get a tackle on his Uncle Dave. |
After all that exercise today the boys were pretty famished by dinner time tonight and both ate exceptionally well. We are trying to teach the boys the concept of "5 a day" and by my count Joshua has managed 8 today and Brandon and equally impressive 7. But during dinner we were interrupted by what appeared to be a very low flying helicopter. We couldn't see anything out of the windows and thus gave this no further thought and continued with our dinner.
However after dinner I took the boys outside to play on their bikes and scooters and we notice a huge yellow air ambulance helicopter which had landed in the park right opposite our house. So we quickly ran over there to get a birds eye view. The pilot said hello to the boys and then we had the pleasure of sitting about 25ft away and watching as the helicopter took off. The two boys absolutely loved watching this, although Brandon didn't like the initial wind and dust caused by the propellers as the chopper took off.
Josh and Brandon posing in front of the air ambulance helicopter. |
Once we got home the boys wasted no time in seeking out their toy helicopters and role playing what they had just witnessed.
Role playing air ambulance helicopter rescues. |
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