Day 12 and 13 involved a lot of time at the sea. As the holiday draws to an end I find I want to spend every minute I can on the beautiful beaches as you never know when you might get this chance again. Towards the end of the holiday I also had another sad moment when I sat down to write out the postcards for the family. This was the first time I have not been able to send a postcard to Mum and it felt so wrong. Ever since I was 20 years old and first travelled to Florida, I have always sent her postcards which she kept and never through a single one away. It felt like I really needed to write her out a card, but had no way to deliver it to her up in heaven.
Joshua looking out at sea, and guess who that is who swam out to stand on the rocks? Yes yours truly. |
Brandon enjoying shooting everyone with his water squirter. |
Believe it or not the water squirter was another one of the boys pool side discoveries. |
Inspired by our visit to Turtle Island, I had some great new ideas for sand castles which I was very keen to build for the boys. First off was Brandon's special request for an aeroplane.
My sand Boeing starts to take shape. |
Nearly finished, just needs windows and jet engines. |
Ta-da, the finished aeroplane sand castle. |
Quite proud of this one, but I can do better. |
The shape of Turtle Island inspired me to try and make a turtle shape sand castle. Seemed only appropriate given the the whole island seemed to be obsessed with turtles.
So I set off to work on my masterpiece. |
Nice detail being added to the turtle shell. |
Wow, the finished turtle and in my opinion my best sand castle yet. |
It was heart breaking to see Brandon had destroyed it when I got back from a swim. |
Joshua had seen so many fish whilst snorkeling that he kept giving me a bucket and asking if I could go and catch him a fish. I tried explaining that they are too quick and you would never catch one, but he insisted we could do it with team work. So the next best thing was a sand castle fish.
Not as good as the turtle or plane, but not bad. |
The sand castle did not solve the problem that Joshua wanted a fish so I took his bucket and headed out to sea for a snorkel to see what I could catch for the boys. It wasn't long before I found some sea cucumbers and decided to take them back to shore for the boys. I know they look like an overgrown slug or a poo, but it is still a real animal that the boys had never seen or handled before. So it was a good learning experience for them. The really funny thing was when Joshua tried to slightly squeeze the belly of the sea cucumber it ejected sea water out of one end as if urinating on him. Maybe it is a defence mechanism or something or perhaps just away of offloading water to help them reduce their body size as a defensive mechanism.
Getting stuck in there with a bucket containing a sea cucumber. |
If you didn't know better you would think Joshua was holding something very dirty, but I can assure you this is a living sea animal. |
Both boys held their sea cucumbers and kept them in the buckets as pets until it was time to go back to the hotel. |
Little B squeezing this sea cucumber into a peculiar shape. They asked me which end is the head and I had no idea. |
A nice picture of me, Tina and Brandon which was taken by Joshua. He became a right little David Bailey on holiday. |
Brandon then wanted a go and took this picture of me, Tina and Josh. |
Joshua chilling..... |
Joshua "David Bailey" in action again. |
Brandon on a late evening beach walk |
Even at 9 o'clock at night it was lovely to walk along the beach and get your feet wet. |
Both boys dipping their feet as the sun sets in the background. |
Obviously I support the England football team, but everyone knows that my second (back-up team) is of course Holland. Anyway one evening we say some Junior size Holland football shirts for only Eur 5 each. I couldn't resist and had to buy one for each of the boys. It was actually quite funny when they went out wearing them as all the shop keepers and sales reps would try speaking to us in Dutch! What a cunning plan to get away from them when they are not speaking your language.
Josh and B in their Dutch football shirts. |
There was a very small fun fare type place in Zante town which had a few bouncy castles, go-karts, quad bikes, arcades etc.etc for the kids to enjoy. It wasn't the nicest of places we visited, but the boys wanted to go there one evening and seemed to have a good time.
Josh and B on a two seater go-kart. |
Go-kart racing. |
Joshua loved this chopper style trike. |
A Brandon size go-kart. |
Joshua on a large inflatable dome. I was fascinated by the old wreck of a plane hanging above - I want one in my garden. |
Little B coming down the Mickey Mouse bouncy castle slide. |
And then jumping across to another bouncy castle. |
Joshua has gone completely bananas in the fun fair. |
Probably the best part of the evening was the water spheres. The boys have never tried this before and to be honest I never in a million years thought Brandon would try this. However he was a little superstar and managed to get his balance and stand up much better than Joshua. However neither boy could stand up for more than 3 mins in order to win the prize.
Joshua getting up from another fall in the water sphere. |
And down he goes again. |
I was amazed Brandon went in the sphere. But he had such a blast and really enjoyed himself. |
Brandon learnt to balance on his knees before getting to his feet. |
Finally the boys found some water bumper boats which they wanted to go on. I rode with Brandon as he was just a bit too small to steer all on his own. Again we had great fun and got a good soaking to help cool us down on yet another very hot evening.
Joshua on the swan bumper boat. |
Me and B on the duck bumper boat. |
Joshua closing in for an attack on me and B. |
Revenge is sweet, now we are behind Joshua and can ram him. |
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