Saturday 31 August 2013

Zante Day 13 and 14 - The End

So the final blog update from our Zante 2013 holiday. Overall I would say we have had a fabulous holiday and both boys thoroughly enjoyed themselves. For Tina she is typically a sun worshipper, but spent most of holiday in the shade due to being almost 6 months pregnant (so very unlike her). For me it was just a pleasure to spend so much quality family time and to see the two boys enjoying themselves so much. It was great to give them this opportunity and to see all of the things they were learning during our travels. It was also very nice to see them being independent young men when it came to helping themselves to the all inclusive food and drink.
Anyway Day 13 started out with both boys wanting to go for a run to the beach with Daddy. This was music to my ears, after all who am I to turn down an offer for a run. So off came the shirts, on went the factor 50 and the running shoes and we were off. Both boys did a great job at running all the way from the hotel to the beach. But by then we were all pretty hot and sweaty and the temptation to take a dip in the sea before returning to the hotel was just too great.
Joshua and Brandon running down the beach path, what a beautiful site.

The sea was so tempting for a cool off.

This is just a stunning picture of both boys launching into a sprint race along the beach with their tops off and shades on.

We found a lovely shallow marina area to cool down in the sea.

Brandon cooling his feet.

Joshua wiggling his rear end!

Lovely clear water to cool down in.

Joshua had the right idea.
 On our final day we pretty much just chilled by the pool and made a brief farewell visit to the water park. We had the room booked for a late departure which meant we could enjoy lunch, then have a final few hours in the sun before heading back to our room, freshening up and then checking out.

The final day and Brandon was enjoying playing in the pool and squirting all the sun bathers.

Joshua also getting in on the action to see who can squirt the highest and furthest.

Joshua all showered and hair spiked ready to come home.

And Brandon with his spiked hair.

The boys sat at the reception bar on our final day waiting for the coach to the airport.

Little B on a big bar stool. I think the look of concern is regarding hos he is going to get down.

Brandon with a Greek statue.

Our holiday ends and we leave Greece.
Given that Bubba is expected early December this could well be our last overseas travel for a year or two. After all I am not sure I fancy flying with a 5 & 6 year old plus a 6 month old baby! So for next years holiday it might be a little closer to home as we venture back to a Centre Parks or Haven etc.

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