Wednesday, 9 October 2013

32 Week Scan - Boy or Girl?

Today we had Bubba's 32 week scan and I am pleased to say all is going well. The babies head is already in the down position and he/she weighs approximately 4lb 4oz at the moment. As a rule of thumb they say babies grow at about 1/2lb a week at these late stages, so if Tina goes full term then the baby should be about 8lb (right in middle of Joshua and Brandon). The low placenta dies not look like an issue anymore so it is likely to be a natural birth again and not a c-section.
So the million dollar question - is it a boy or girl? Well sorry to disappoint but the sonographer said it is actually harder to tell at 32 weeks than at 20 because its all getting very squished in there. She did have a look and could not see any obvious "sticking out bits" but did find a shape which she has previously correlated back to the sex of a girl. So whilst the sonographer could not confirm one way or the other, she was slightly favouring it being a girl. But based on her confidence and what she said - I think it would be a risk to go out and start buying any pink just yet.

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