Thursday, 17 October 2013

One more sleep.......

Joshua definitely takes after me with getting over excited about Birthdays and Christmas and has been a little excitable and complaining about being sick for the last two days. However his wait is over and there is only one more sleep until he will rise from his bed as a 6 year old. So tonight was the final preparations to wrap all his presents and put up a few decorations and balloons.
Who can believe that our Joshua will be six. Where dis the years go?

The dining table and decorations are all Disney Planes themed.

Brandon has been a little star and for the first time in his life he has actually kept a secret!!!! He helped me pick up Joshua's new bike last weekend and then hide it in the garage and to my amazement he has not slipped up once. Whenever Joshua's asks what presents he has got, Brandon just says we didn't get anything as we couldn't find what we wanted.

All his presents wrapped and ready, except his new bike which I couldn't be bothered to wrap.
So will Joshua get washed, dressed, teeth cleaned, breakfast done and presents opened and still have time to ride his new bike to school tomorrow.

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