Saturday 19 October 2013

Gymnastics Party

So yesterdays Joshua had us up early to crack into his birthday presents. I think overall he was very, very pleased with his presents and in particular he liked his new bike, his golf set and his Sponge Bob mp3 player. The one thing he is disappointed about is not getting a kids Little Henry hoover!!!! So I guess that's what he will be spending his birthday money on.
So, Joshua starts tearing into his stack of birthday presents.

Brandon was drafted in for some help to unwrap the golf bag.

Team work as the golf set is revealed.
I took the boys over to the driving range today so that Joshua could try out his new golf set and he is really pleased with them. So next I need to find a pitch and putt course for him before we attempt a par 3 course. The downside was that we had major tantrums from Brandon as he feels left out not having his own golf set like me and Joshua, so guess what is now number 1 on Little B's Christmas list?

Joshua trying out his new bike for size.

Joshua chose the bike himself from Cycles UK and I have to say the green is pretty bright to say the least. It is a 20" Alien bike and his first bike to have gears. He is really impressed with the gears and now thinks he can come out riding with me as he has a fast bike. The 20" bike is probably a fraction too big for him right now, but he can ride it very competently. By next summer it will be a perfect size for him, where as had we of bought him an 18" bike he probably would have outgrown it.

Joshua with his very first golf set. Uncle David commented that the head on his wood is bigger than his one.

Joshua is all smiles as he shows everyone all his presents.

A common theme of Disney Planes and Skylanders for Joshua's 6th birthday.
Surprisingly Joshua managed to get all his presents opened before school started and this meant he had time to test out his new bike. He was very proud of his new wheels and he bragged to everyone in the school playground that it was his birthday and that this was his new bike.

Joshua riding his new bike to school.

So other than Skylanders the boys are both really into Disney Planes and one present we bought for Joshua was the kids Disney Planes Monopoly. It was an absolute pleasure to sit down with Joshua and Brandon and play our first ever game of Monopoly. Joshua now claims this is his favourite game. Brandon lost the game by going bankrupt first and then started crying because he didn't want to lose!

Me and the boys playing our first game of Monopoly together.

Joshua taking his go (and yes he is wearing a Blue Power Ranger costumer!).

We gave Joshua a choice to go out anywhere for dinner on his birthday and fully expected to end up back at the boys old favourite - the Quays. However surprisingly all Joshua wanted for his birthday was a KFC! Easily pleased. So we took him to the Pitsea KFC and boy was he a happy chap. He was saying this was the best dinner ever and that it was his best ever birthday. Who would have thought simple chicken and chips could make someone so happy and content.

Joshua thoroughly enjoying his birthday KFC.

Little B tucking into his KFC corn on the cob.

The 6th birthday cake was of course Skylanders (couldn't find a Disney Planes one!).
So the birthday celebrations continued today as Joshua had his 6th birthday party. This year it was a gymnastics themed party at the Basildon Sporting Village and he had about 22 of his friends attend. These gym parties are a genius idea for kids and I wish they had of had these when I was a little boy. They are different from the normal parties, great exercise for the kids and it opens up a door for them to try their hand at gymnastics.

Joshua getting ready to hang on a parallel bay over the sponge pit.

Brandon and cousin Mia showing excellent form and balance on the beam.

Josh just hanging around with his best buddy Tom.

A test of grip strength on the high rings. How long can Josh hold before plummeting to the pit below.

Some of the soft play on the gym floor area,

Brandon practising some Spiderman moves on the parallel bars

Brandon losing himself in the foam pit.

Mia hanging around on the high rings.

Joshua trying to get a swing going.

Mia, Brandon and Joshua.

All the kids were getting very hot and rosey cheeked. So the boys all started to strip their tops off like proper little gymnasts.

Little B on the trampoline.

And launching himself from the trampoline into the foam pit.

Mia and B in the pit.

Joshua using a spring board to bounce up onto some crash mats.
So a bit thank you to all the children who came along and made Joshua's birthday so special. He now has another huge pile of presents to start opening tomorrow which means I can probably expect to be woken at about 5am again tomorrow (or has the gymnastics really tired him out?).

All the kiddies that came to Joshua's party. Joshua is right at the top proudly holding his birthday gymnastics party.

1 comment:

Nicky xxx said...

Happy birthday Joshua! Looks like you had lots of fun and were very spoilt! Love you loads xxx