Saturday 12 October 2013

Diving for Seals

The company that I work for recently celebrated me having worked for them for a whopping 25 years and subsequently presented me with a nice pen, a bottle of bubbly, the biggest box of chocolates ever and some vouchers. As Tina lost my dive camera some time ago now I decided to treat myself with the vouchers and bought a new 16mp wifi digital camera which is waterproof to 15m and shock proof to 2m. Anyway ever since having the camera I have been itching to test out its underwater capabilities so today I sneaked it into the David Lloyd swimming pool to get some underwater shots of the two boys.
One of the boys favourite swimming pool toys is their diving seals. Even Brandon can now free dive from the side of the pool and retrieve the seals from the bottom of the pool completely unassisted. So having the two boys diving for seals gave me a great opportunity to test out my new underwater camera. The pictures are not great because I rushing a bit and not previewing the results as I was trying to make sure none of the life guards caught me snapping away.
Little B dives under water in search for some seals.

He homes in on one at the bottom of the pool.

I think I missed this picture slightly, but it shows his little feet kicking away.

And then the happy chappy returns to the surface with his catch in hand.

Joshua confidently retrieves two seals in one dive and shows them off proudly for the camera.

This is probably my best underwater shot of the day. Great piccy of Josh and hes even smiling underwater.

Joshua searching the bottom of the pool.

I think Joshua was trying to get me caught by the life guards as he kept wanting more and more pictures taken underwater,

Its not quite the same as scuba diving, but underwater photography of my boys is still good fun.

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