Saturday, 26 July 2014

Inflatable Splash Slide

Another glorious summers day today with near 28 degree temperatures which resulted in an impulse buy for the kids. We was in Basildon picking up some last minute bits for holiday and collecting some currency when we saw this pretty amazing inflatable water slide outside QD's. We figured all 3 kids would get ample use out of it over the next few years and it hopefully solves the problem of having a paddling pool in the garden which starts growing mould after 3 or 4 days!
The slide was dead simple to set up. It was pretty much a case of unfold it, peg it down, connect the hose, connect the fan and then we were off. Surprisingly the hose only needed to be turned on very slightly to get the water jets down the slide working effectively.
Brandon and Joshua were very excited to try out the new inflatable water slide.

Brandon splashes into the plunge pool.

The view from the top as Joshua slides down. You can see the water jets on the right.

Brandon gets a push down from his bigger brother.

A happy Brandon enjoying the slide and cooling down nicely on such a hot day.

Brandon crash lands in the pool.

What a great little smile from Brandon.

Joshua was makes a descent down the slide. The naughty monkey tried climbing up it on a few occasions as well.

Brandon coming in for a crash landing.

Getting a bit sideways there.

Brandon hanging at the top ready to slide down on his back. Joshua braved head first on a few occasions.

Great splash landing of Brandon.
I am pretty gutted the water slide is only for the kids as I would love to have a go. Still never mind only a few more sleeps and its off to Cyprus where I can enjoy some proper water slides at the water park. Once the novelty had worn off for the boys and they decided to dry off, I then stripped Holly down and sat her up in the plunge pool for a while. She really loved splashing around and cooling herself down.
Holly enjoys some time in the plunge pool once her two brothers decide to call it a day.
I was expecting tears from the little girl due to the cold water, but instead she loved splashing in the water.

What a beautiful little smile from Holly.

Splash, splash, this is more fun that bath time.

Another lovely smile as Holly soaks up some sun.

Holly's 1st Bike Ride

For sometime now I have wanted to sort out a bike seat to enable me to take Holly out for a bike ride with the two boys. Unfortunately I sold the boys front facing seat and the twin bike trailer a long time ago. So I have been looking around for a replacement for sometime now but nothing has come up. Anyway one of the guys at work had a an old rear mounted seat that he no longer uses and kindly offered to lend it to me.
So I get the bike seat home only to realise that the chain is broken on my mountain bike and the seat will not fit the back of Tina's bike. So there was only one other option - fit the seat onto my race bike!!!! Oh yes, Holly will be a little speed demon. Eat your heart out Victoria Pendleton there's a new girl in town.
Holly absolutely loved having a little test ride up and down the road and was giggling away behind me. The only problem is that the seat is so close to my bike seat that she is constantly kicking me up the bum!
Joshua with his little sister. The baby cycle hot was a bit ambitious and absolutely swamped Holly.

Speed demon Holly smiling away. Next stop - the velodrome!

Friday, 25 July 2014

Karate Family

We are rapidly becoming a very football and karate orientated family. Not only am I 3rd dan in karate, Brandon is a provisional 12th Kyu and then tonight Joshua decided he finally wants to start learning and subsequently had his first lesson. And as if that little lot isn't enough - how about this, little Holly wearing a karate gi which reads "future black belt" across the back.
Will Holly follow in her Dad's foot steps and earn a black belt one day?

Holly getting excited and warmed up as she poses for the camera.

Karate kids, Holly and Brandon.

Joshua seemed to really enjoy his lesson tonight and is keen to go back for me. I am pleased he has decided to do karate off his own back rather than me pushing him in to it. Its funny how he has shown absolutely now interest in karate for about a year and a half and then earlier this week just decided he now wants to start going.

Summer Holiday Gruffalo Hunt

So week 1 of the summer holidays is over and seems to have gone as quick as a flash. I am sure Tina would disagree as she has had to look after all 3 kids whilst I have been slaving away at work. The kids have had a really good first week though and have got out and about plenty. On Thursday Tina met up with some of the school Mum's and some of Brandon's mates to head over to Brentwood for the Gruffalo hunt. The two boys are old hat at this now having been 3 times this year already and four times in total.
As well as the Gruffalo hunt the boys had a picnic with their friends and also played some football and frisbee. In fact Joshua was telling me that they were temporarily evacuated from the picnic area as a helicopter was going to land there!
Joshua, Fraser and Brandon with the mouse.
Jack.D, Jayden, Fraser, Joshua and Brandon with the snake.
Fraser, Jayden and Joshua with the Gruffalo's child.
Jack.D, Jessica, Brandon and Fraser eventually find the Gruffalo.
Brandon's little motley crew.

Brandon gets his Stage 3 Greean Hat at Swimming

Very well done to Brandon who passed his Stage 3 swimming test yesterday. He was also awarded his 10m certificate and is now promoted to a green hat. Really, really, proud of him as he is one of the smallest in his class, but swam so well. His teacher, Tina, adores him and has been singing his praises for the last few weeks and commenting about how ready he is to go up a stage. I think she has grown a little attached to Brandon and will miss him when he goes to his new class.
Tina sits all the kids around to let them know who has passed their swimming test.
Brandon proudly races over to me to give me the good news.
Unfortunately I was a bad Dad as I forgot to take my wallet to the swimming pool so I could not buy his certificate and get his new hat. So Tina had to take him back down their today.
Brandon with his Stage 3 certificate, 10m award certificate and his new green swimming hat.
So Brandon will now move into the deeper end of the pool for his lessons. Unfortunately at the moment they have no spaces availability on a Thursday night when Joshua has his class, so it looks like the two boys swimming night might be split up meaning yet more chauffeuring around for me!

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

King George's Park & Pond Dipping

Half way through the 1st week of the school summer holidays and the boys have been kept busy so far. On Monday they took Holly to get weighed and also visited the library to get some reading books. As with last year they have been set a challenge to read 6 books and write about them over the Summer Holidays. Holly is making good progress and now weighs in at 15lb 12oz sitting just below the 50th percentile curve. She definitely takes after Joshua with her appetite and continues to eat very well. Yesterday she ate her first plate of non blended food for dinner even though she only has one and a half teeth. She scoffed down some fish fingers, peas and chips like there was no tomorrow.

Yesterday was another hot day and so Tina and a few of the school Mum's decided to meet over at King George's park in Brentwood to let the kiddies have a play and to have a picnic. We had never even heard of this park or knew of its existence until yesterday. Sounds like the boys had a really good time as the park has got two outdoor paddling pools which was just perfect for keeping them cool in the 28 degree heat wave that we was enjoying.

Now that's what I call a paddling pool. Can you spot Joshua?

Joshua watching on as Brandon dives in the pool.

Brandon watching on as Joshua does some floating.
Once I got home from work, Tina wanted to get on with some dinner and Holly was sound asleep. So as the boys missed the pond dipping event this Sunday we decided to take our nets and buckets over to the Wick park and do some pond dipping of our own. We was only there about 15 minutes and the boys successfully caught two newts, several water bugs, a tadpole and a large assortment of water snails!!! They then wanted to take their bucket of creatures home and keep them as pets in an old fish tank in the back garden (well actually Brandon wanted me to dig a pond in the garden!).

Joshua swooshing his net under the bridge to see what he can find. Such a lovely little pond.

Inspecting their nets to see if they have caught anything interesting.

The bucket soon filled with all kinds of weird and wonderful creatures.

Brandon about to have another dip with his net.

Brandon trying to reach over just a bit too far as I fear he is going in head first!

Joshua inspects his collection of pond bugs and creatures as its time to head home for dinner.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Baby Walker

Some time ago we bought Holly a really flashy baby walker in the shape of a pink car. Unfortunately despite looking the part it has proven to be a classic case of style over function. I think its a case of health and safety gone mad with the back wheels locked in 1 direction and the front wheels far too stiff for a toddle to maneuver around. The best Holly has ever managed is a little shuffle backwards and then within 10 minutes she will be screaming to get out.

Anyway sometimes it just goes to show you don't have to spend lots of money on flashy looking items to make a child happy. Holly now uses a very simple but much more traditional baby walker which was sitting around her Nan and Granddad's. With this walker she has complete mobility and can move herself around the house backwards, sideways, forwards and any which way she pleases. She is absolutely loving having some independence and freedom to start exploring the house on her own (and to touch things she shouldn't be touching!). Whilst this development is good for Holly it has made us really the house needs a bit of baby proofing again as she was looking to grab and pull anything within her grasp.

Also be aware of your ankles when visiting as she is very prone to ramming into your feet. Even better than that, if you are female and wearing a long dress then she will grab the bottom of the dress as you walk past her and get a tow around the house.

Holly loving her new freedom and independence.

Exploring the conservatory and playing with a dustpan.

This is fun.

A cheeky look back as she skoots around.

What a lovely little smile.

"I'm coming to ram your toes Dad!".

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Holly's 1st Visit to the Isle of Sheppey

Today we made our first visit of the year to the Isle of Sheppey to visit Josh, Brandon & Holly's Nan and Granddad's chalet in Leysdown. The kids always seem to enjoy going to Leysdown and given half a chance would have jumped at the opportunity for a sleep over. Not only was this visit our first of 2014 but it was also Holly's first visit to her Nan and Granddad's chalet. We took her baby walker with us so that she could move around the chalet and then I also took the harness with me so that she could go for a nice beach walk. She seemed to have a fun time and is now sound asleep after a very long day.
Holly sitting on the bench outside her Nan and Granddad's chalet.

Joshua tucks into a lunch of chips, beans and chicken burger. That boys does like his food.

After lunch we took a nice walk along the beach. Unfortunately the tide was out but that didn't stop the boys searching for shells, cockles and razor clams.

Selfie of Holly in the baby harness having a beach walk with her Daddy,

Holly with her Nan and Granddad out side their chalet.

Holly seemed to really enjoy her day out.

Joshua, Brandon and Holly with their Nan and Granddad.

The boys love spending time down at the Chalet and are itching for another sleepover.