Sunday, 6 July 2014

Holly Lolly

Last Friday was such a hot day and so to help cool little Holly down Tina decided to try her with her first ice pop. Holly seemed to absolutely love the ice pop and no doubt it felt very nice on her gums / teeth. In general Holly is doing so good with her food. She doesn't drink much milk anymore and really only has her night bottles, but food wise she pretty much has the same dinners as us most nights. She loves my Mexican fajitas, homemade chicken Biryani and then tonight I cooked up spaghetti carbonara and she lapped that up as well. We can pretty much blitz up anything and she will eat it. She loves ice-cream, she will happily feed herself some toast at breakfast time and she likes a bit of garlic bread after her dinner!!!
Tina feeding Holly her first ice pop.

Yum, yum, this feels good on my gums.

Mango flavour ice pop for Holly.
Holly drinks plenty of water throughout the day which is good and will be piece of mind when we are on holiday in a few weeks time. Speaking of drinks, Joshua has started to drink tea! It seems so weird having him asking for a cup of tea, so grown up.
Other Holly developments: She clearly knows her name now and when you call Holly her head will turn around and look in your direction. Also she now lifts her arms up to show you when she wants to be picked up.

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