Some time ago we bought Holly a really flashy baby walker in the shape of a pink car. Unfortunately despite looking the part it has proven to be a classic case of style over function. I think its a case of health and safety gone mad with the back wheels locked in 1 direction and the front wheels far too stiff for a toddle to maneuver around. The best Holly has ever managed is a little shuffle backwards and then within 10 minutes she will be screaming to get out.
Anyway sometimes it just goes to show you don't have to spend lots of money on flashy looking items to make a child happy. Holly now uses a very simple but much more traditional baby walker which was sitting around her Nan and Granddad's. With this walker she has complete mobility and can move herself around the house backwards, sideways, forwards and any which way she pleases. She is absolutely loving having some independence and freedom to start exploring the house on her own (and to touch things she shouldn't be touching!). Whilst this development is good for Holly it has made us really the house needs a bit of baby proofing again as she was looking to grab and pull anything within her grasp.
Also be aware of your ankles when visiting as she is very prone to ramming into your feet. Even better than that, if you are female and wearing a long dress then she will grab the bottom of the dress as you walk past her and get a tow around the house.
Holly loving her new freedom and independence. |
Exploring the conservatory and playing with a dustpan. |
This is fun. |
A cheeky look back as she skoots around. |
What a lovely little smile. |
"I'm coming to ram your toes Dad!". |
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