Friday, 18 July 2014

Last Day Of School

Well it seems only yesterday that we were dressing up Brandon in his school uniform and marching him off to Abacus for his first day at Abacus to start his Foundation year. Who can believe that the Year has been and gone and now we embark upon the summer holidays before our little man starts his Year 1 journey.
Almost a year ago as Brandon gets ready for his first day at school.
It sounds like the boys have had a really fun last week at school and much more different to what I remember school being. For example yesterday they were told to take to school a pair of swimming goggles and a water gun for a end of term water fight!!!! How cool is that? Some parents and schools won't even entertain gun play as it encourages violence etc, but the boys got to have a water gun fight at school!
Here are some great pictures from Brandon's last day in Foundation with a few of his buddies and his teachers.

Brandon leaves blue class for the last time and poses with a few of his class mates.

Joshua, Brandon and a few of their friends playing on the school pirate ship.
Blue class of 2013/14 with their teachers and teaching assistants. Brandon in the front row.
Another cool shot of some of the Blue class. Unfortunately Brandon will be split from most of these for Year 1.
One thing I don't quite get about schools these days is all this buying presents for the teachers. I don't ever remember buying a teacher a present or even taking them in a card at the end of term. Now it appears to be very commercialised with specific teacher merchandise everywhere . Its almost like a competition between the parents to try and out do each other and if that's not enough they start huge whips which are outrageously expensive. In addition to that Tina has spent most of the evenings this week making box loads of cup cakes as gifts for all the teachers. So all in all a very expensive week and that with just two kids in school.........wait till Holly starts as well.
At this point I know I sound like a moaning old man but here is another phenomenon that I find really strange. Why do all the Mum's have to get together at the end of the school year and celebrate by going out for a meal and a piss-up? Surely it is the kids that should be celebrating the end of the school year and not the Mum's. I can't ever imagine the Dad's organising such an event. And once again with two boys in school, Tina ends up going out for two different meals with two different sets of school Mum's. I just don't get it.
Anyway school has ended for another year and both boys bought home some lovely folders full of some really lovely work that they have completed through the year. Its always nice to see what they get up too and what they achieve as we only ever get to hear about and see a snip-it of their work during the parents evenings.
A selection of some of Brandon's foundation year work.

A selection of some of Joshua's Year 1 work.
So now we begin the annual job of keeping the kids entertained for the 6 week summer holidays. This should provide plenty of blog material.

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