Friday 4 July 2014

Brandon's 2013/14 School Report

Brandon's first ever school report is a very glowing report and he has met the expected level of development in all areas. These development areas include Communication & Language, Physical Development, Personal, social and emotional development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Art & Design. For his age related expectation he is ranked as "confidently at expectation" for everything. So again no concerns with his report. The comment which seems to repeat itself throughout his report is how much his confidence has improved and how he is a very happy boy around the school.

For 2014/15 Brandon will be in red class and his new teacher will be Mrs Lee. I think out of the two boys Brandon is probably in for the biggest change next year as not only will he be mixed with Year 2 students, but a lot of his main friends are in a different class. The terrible trio of Brandon, Zac and Nathan have been split up, plus one of his other best friends Samuel is in a different class. All is not at a loss though as he will have Max and Elliot in his class along with a few other familiar people such as Sam and Moogana.

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