Holly's gymnastics club has now given her the ability to climb out of her cot on her own. Earlier in the week Tina was downstairs whilst Holly was having her daytime nap when all of a sudden there was a thud and then a scream. Holly had managed to get her leg up over the side of the cot and then fell to the floor. She is too young to convert the cot into a cot bed so instead me and the boys made some adjustments today to lower her bed by about 3-4 inches. Fingers crossed there will now be no more acrobatics from her for a few months!!!
Haha, our modification has worked and Holly can no longer get her leg over the top bar. |
So with Holly's cot scare sorted we start to look forward to the season of scares as Halloween is coming around quickly and the shops of filling with all the spooky decorations and treats. When I was a kid Halloween really wasn't that big of an event, but it just seems to get bigger and bigger and more commercialised every year. The Americans certainly have a lot to answer as the commercialisation has definitely come from over the pond.
Checking out some scary art crafts in Hobby Craft with Joshua. |
And then with Brandon.......and his pumpkin head! |
People often comment that they think I have a dead rat up my backside. I say its just down to a healthy, fibrous diet. Anyway in preparation for the looming Halloween event we have started preparing the house by decorating out toilet seat.........and guess what, those rats are there along with lots of creepy crawly spiders.
Anyway fancy using our Halloween toilet? |
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