For today's blog I have an update on all three kiddies. Firstly I shall start with Holly. On Monday of this week she had her very first proper swimming lesson at the Wick Swimming Pool. She has her little red swimming hat but didn't wear it this week. As she is so young Tina had to go in the pool with her. From what I am told, Holly did extremely well and both the instructors and lifeguards commented about how well she swims already.
Then onto Joshua. Tonight he was officially invested into the 1st Wickford Trojan Cubs and had to wear his new green Cub jumper whilst he recited the Scout Promise. The Cubs are much stricter than Beavers and the boys have to wear smart shoes and trousers as part of their uniform and are often made to stand to attention.
Joshua lines up with 3 other boys ready to get invested into the 1st Wickford Trojan Cubs. |
They make the Scout Promise whilst holding their right hand up in the Scout salute. |
Loving the colour of the new green jumper instead of the old Beaver blue one. Now Tina needs to get sewing some badges on it for him. |
Joshua with his certificate of investiture. |
Finally on to Brandon and for his Beavers lesson tonight I ran a craft session with the kids as part of a local craft competition that the group are entering. With the help from Auntie Lisa we had arranged to teach the kiddies a bit about fossils and to get them making some fossils using clay and plaster. Some kids brought in their own dinosaurs in to make some fossils with whilst others used the the real fossils that Lisa managed to get for us. They thoroughly loved chucking the clay on the table to get the air out and then getting their hands extremely dirty with the clay and plaster. Proper boys!!
The kids all had an absolutely fab time and made some really good looking fossils. Fingers crossed we win some prizes in the craft competition. After the fossils were complete we had them all making some plaster moulds of their hands which they could then take home. The session was extremely messy and took us about 30 mins to clean up afterwards (just in time for the Cubs to arrive).
Brandon trying to keep as still as possible as he makes a plaster mould of his hand. |
Some great looking fossils that the boys produced with clay and plaster. |
What a good looking fossil. |
As a group activity the kids also contributed towards making this paper mache volcano which we then poured red paint down to simulate the lava. |
The groups finished volcano looking very good indeed. |
The boys thoroughly enjoyed watching the lava being poured over to finish the effect. |
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