With the boys occupied at Cubs camp and then Wizz Kids today we have used the time to do some long overdue jobs around the house and to take Holly out to explore some of the fantastic Christmas displays that are already out. Her first display was the Unleash Christmas display which we saw at B&Q whilst I was buying the materials to do our hallway flooring. Then after that we headed to Alton's Garden Centre as they usually have bar far the best Christmas displays and did not disappoint this year.
Holly Unleashing Christmas at B&Q. |
A lovely polar bear and penguin display at Alton's. |
Holly loved this spinning and sparkly Christmas tree. |
Deck the halls with Holly............ |
Me and Holly meeting Rudolph. |
Holly absolutely loved this musical, dancing, talking Santa and watched him intently. Shame it cost something like £175!!! |
Have you been a good girl Holly? |
Holly also enjoyed playing in the puppet theatre at Altons. Could be a good idea for her birthday. But probably cheaper to make than to buy. |
Lovely Lapland type scene on display at Altons. |
Holly also loved the light up animals and I had to keep lifting her up to see them. |
This picture doesn't really show what was happening. But basically they had some laser lights shining on the floor and Holly was absolutely hilarious as she tried to chase them around. |
Whilst we were out and about we also tried to get some ideas for Holly's forthcoming second birthday. In Smyths toy shop she saw this little play pram and pretty much pushed it all around the shop and loaded it with her shopping. There was no way she was letting us leave without buying it. So a bit of an early birthday present for my little girl.
It is quite amazing to watch her play with this. She puts her little doll in the buggy and pushes her around everywhere. In the car she sits and cuddles her doll to sleep and at lunch time she even tried feeding her doll some of her cheese. I think Tina is particular pleased to see Holly being a proper girly girl as opposed to playing with her brothers boys toys all the time.
Holly feeding her doll some cheese at lunchtime. |
Out for a stroll with her baby in the buggy. |
Holly cuddling her little dolly to sleep in the car. |
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