8 years ago today our lives changed forever as a wonderful son Joshua was delivered into the world. On one hand it seems such a long time ago and on the other hand it seems like only yesterday we was cuddling him in our arms and feeding him bottles of milk. My how things have changed and he is growing up into a fine young man who can be very sensitive, caring and thoughtful. He may not be the best at everything he does, but he does give everything 100% and isn't afraid to have a try at anything.
For his 8th birthday we had a very busy morning as Brandon had an away football match in Leigh with a 10:30am kickoff and Joshua had a 9:30am kick-off at Forest Glade. Since I had to get home at a reasonable time to prepare for Joshua's pool party then I could not cover both games today. As I have an assistant for the U8's then I unfortunately had to miss Joshua's birthday match and instead attended Brandon's with the U7's. Its probably the only match of Joshua's that I have ever missed and from what I hear he played very well and nearly scored a goal. The team played very well and came away with a 5-3 win giving their season record 2 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss so far.
Despite the early football matched, Joshua still managed to wake up early enough to open all his presents before heading off to the match. His main present this year was a drop bar race bike which he really wanted. Surprisingly it is very difficult to find a race bike for an 8 year old. We also got him the new West Ham away kit with his name and number 9 printed on the back.
All wrapped up and ready for Joshua to wake nice and early. |
Brandon and Holly wishing their big Bro a happy 8th birthday. |
Joshua all ready for football but still found time to get his presents opened before leaving. |
Holly was just pleased to have some balloons in the house to throw around. |
Joshua proudly tests his new Viking race bike for size. |
Looking good. Also a new cycle hat, adult size!!! But got built in LED lights in the back. |
Joshua's 8th birthday party was a pool party at Wickford with the large pool inflatables. |
Brandon trying to get across the inflatable without falling in. |
Joshua tethering on the edge, can he make it around? |
The inflatable is such good fun for both adults and kids. What a great way to spend your party. |
Our special birthday boy enjoying having some fun with all his friends. |
All the kiddies clambering up to go down the water slide. |
One of Joshua's best mates makes a daring forward somersault down the slide. |
Brandon really enjoyed his brothers party and now wants a pool party for his 7th birthday in Jan. |
Joshua going over the slide head first. |
After the pool party the kiddies all enjoyed some pizzas and snacks which we had delivered whilst they were in the pool. |
All the kids enjoying their food and having fun. |
Joshua with his Minion birthday cake. Love his new "King's" American Baseball T-shirt which we bought him. |
Joshua's Minion birthday cake. Tina also made Minion cup cakes for him to give out to all his friends. |
Joshua wearing his new West Ham away kit and showing his new lunch box in the shape of a West Ham T-shirt. |
The back of the shirt has his name and number printed on it. |
Joshua has had a fab birthday with family and friends. During the day he was visited by Grandad, Auntie Nicky, Zoe, Amy, Michael and Lea. He has received some very lovely and very generous presents in addition to a lot of birthday money to spend.
Unfortunately Joshua's birthday took a turn for the worse at the end of the day and will now likely be remembered for nothing that I have mentioned above. Instead he was rushed into A&E tonight in a lot of pain and having been seen by a surgeon and a consultant, it has now been decided that they will operate on him tonight to open him up and try and find out what the problem is. I feel so sorry for the poor little bugger as that is just no way to spend your birthday. Fingers crossed they don't find anything serious and he is back at home tomorrow and enjoying all his birthday presents. Love him to bits.
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