This Saturday was the second biggest day in the Forest Glade calendar with the annual presentation day. I have to say I have been looking forward to this more than the FG5's as I just love seeing the look on the kids faces when they receive their annual awards. The format was also changed this year and instead of the usual Chelsea coaching we had a fun day with loads of activities ranging from target golf, the unrideable bike, bouncy castles, human fuss ball, gyroscope, wellie throwing and so on and so on.
I didn't really get to see much of the activities as I was roped in to running the target golf stall all morning and Tina was working the wellie throwing. As soon as that was over though it was time to get the U7's and U8's together for their annual awards. On Brandon's team Freddie got Managers Player of the Year, Ashton got Most Improved Player and Kye got the Clubman award. On Joshua's team Dexter got the Managers Player of the Year, Max got the Clubman Award and Joshua got the Most Improved Player. I think Joshua was somewhat surprised to get the annual award and the Most Improved trophy.
Of course with all this football going on we had to also try and remember that Saturday was also Tina's birthday. Luckily the club remembered and suitably embarrassed her by calling her out in front of the crowd to sing happy birthday to her and to give her a cake and a bottle of bubbly. After the presentation day it was off home to prepare for Joshua to head off to Max's Euro 2016 Birthday Party and then we was all invited around for the evening to watch England's first game against Russia (which disappointingly ended in a 1-1 draw).
Overall it was a really great day although Tina might agree to disagree having her birthday dominated by football!
Joshua, Brandon and Holly sporting their new Euro 2016 kits ready for the FG presentation / fun day. |
My 3 little England Superstars. |
Great close up shot of our cheeky little Holly. |
Just love this picture of Holly which Tina took at the FG fun day. |
My morning was spent on the target golf shooting (now did anyone see where Holly went?). |
Me and Holly give out the annual awards to the U7's, from L-R Brandon, Freddie, Charlie, Ashton, Joshua, Connar and Lewis. |
Then me and coach Lee with the U8's. From L-R Joshua, Alex, Alfie, Lorne, Ethan (with dodgy German face paint), Max, Dexter and Ryan. |
Me presenting Joshua with his annual award. |
Joshua then got presented with "Most Improved Player" award from club chairman, Derrick. |
Joshua with his "Most Improved Player" award. |
The U8's team photo with all their trophies. |
The U7's team photo with all their trophies. |
Time to get ready for England Vs Russia as Brandon gets St Georges cross painted on his face. |
Joshua with his St Georges face paint and his two trophies for the day. |
My two boys all painted up and ready for Euro 2016. |
Me and the kids all had a great day out at the 2016 FG fun / presentation day. |
Max and all his friends at his Euro 2016 birthday party enjoying some fun time on the bouncy castle. I see a common theme in party outfits!!!!! |
Holly also really enjoyed have a good jump around on the bouncy castle and did amazing to stay awake until the end of the match - enjoying her first Euro tournament, |
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