Yesterday Abacus school held a circus day where the let all the kids have a dress down day and if they wanted too, they could wear circus themed outfits. The boys didn't want to dress up but Holly was happy to don a tutu, a Minnie Mouse top and her red clown nose. During the school day the kids got to try their hand at some circus skills and from what I gather Holly liked the plate spinning and wants her own one.
The PTA group had been working with the school for circus day and had arranged for Happy's Circus to then be on site for a 2 hour evening show in a proper big top. It's amazing how quickly the big top went up and all the kids were excited to see the show, and rightly so. The ring master and clown had great chemistry and good interludes, then there was all the usual jugglers, plate spinners, acrobats and so much more. It was not the biggest and greatest circus you will ever see, but the kids absolutely loved it. Holly's favourite part was when the ring master and clown started throwing cups of water over the audience during the table cloth / plate spinning act. There were 500 people and the big top and I think all 500 got wet!
Holly all dressed up for circus day at school. |
Holly have a circus skills lesson at school and learning to spin plates. |
During school the big top was set up in the school playing field. |
The ring master and the clown. |
This sketch that they did celebrated 250 years of the first circus act which also involved a horse. It was so funny and ended with the horse pooing on the ring master. |
This was the water table cloth trip which also entailed emptying all the glasses of water over the crowd! |
Holly talked me in to buying her a fibre optic glow stick thingy. |
Holly outside the big top during the half time interval. |
Luckily Holly took her coat for when the water was being thrown in to the audience, she absolutely loved it and was grinning from ear to ear. |
Brandon and Holly at the end of a very good show. Josh had disappeared off with his mates! |
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