Monday, 21 October 2013

2, 4, 6 or 8 weeks?

Well it is 43 days today (or 6 weeks) until the official due date which we have been given for Bubba. However here are a few scary scenario’s to consider. Joshua was born bang on his due date, but Little B was two weeks early. So if Bubba takes after Brandon and is 2 weeks early then potentially the birth could be in around 4 week’s time. However, since day 1 when we first found out Tina was pregnant she has been convinced that she is actually 2 weeks ahead of the official due date based on her last cycle and the size of the baby etc – call it a woman’s intuition. So worst (or best depending on how you look at it) case scenario could be if Tina is right about her 2 week pull ahead, then the baby is also 2 weeks early as Little B was – then potentially Bubba could be born in 2 week’s time!!!! (How scary is that?). I am not sure we a quite ready and prepared for 2 week’s time.

So roll up, roll up, place your bets here. Will it be 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks (actual due date) or worst case 8 week’s time (based on the assumption that they will only allow Tina to go 2 weeks over the due date before inducing her). What are your bets on a November baby or a December baby? What are your bets on girl or boy? What are your bets on the baby weight (remember Joshua was heavy at 9lb 4oz and Little B was titchy at just 6lb 4oz)?


Jason said...

Surprisingly no comments against this blog with peoples Bubba predicitions. So let's get the ball rolling with my best guess, a girl, weight 8lb 5oz, born on Nov 26th.

Jason said...

So the predictions so far are as follows:
Lisa Smith : 8lb 5oz girl Nov 23rd,
Shahinah : 7lb 2oz girl Dec 6th,
Amy : 7lb 8oz girl Nov 20th,
Nicola Wyatt : 8lb 11oz girl Dec 5th,
Zoe : 8lb 4oz girl Nov 25th,
Lisa Cuthbert : 8lb 10oz girl Nov 23rd.

Nicky xxx said...

I predict an 8lb 9oz boy arriving on the 3rd December xxx