Thursday, 24 October 2013

Joint Parents Evening

Yesterday we attended Abacus school for our first joint parents evening where we had to see both Joshua and Brandon's school teachers. This first half term parents evening is really just for parents to understand how their children are settling into their new classes and if either the parents or teachers have any concerns.
So we started with Joshua's teacher first. The feedback was pretty much as expected and similar to last year. He can be a bit boisterous and loud at times and likes to be a dominant character in the class. He has calmed down during the first half term and academically is exactly where he should be. His language/speech is excellent, his maths is very good and apparently he enjoys this subject the most. His hand writing is getting a lot neater and his reading is at stage 4 which is where he should be at this stage in his schooling. About the only thing that lets him down is that he loses concentration during literacy and needs to concentrate a bit harder. The discussion with his teacher was really beneficial to us as she gave us some really good tips to help develop his reading and literacy at home with some simple fun type of activities regarding story writing and sharing ready books etc.
Next was Brandon. He has settled into foundation year amazingly and thoroughly enjoys school, Not once have we had him cry about having to go to school or waking up and saying he doesn't want to go to school. It sounds like he was a bit quiet and did not contribute in group activities for the first few weeks. But apparently that has all changed and he is starting to come out of his shell and is building a bigger circle of friends (instead of just him, Zac and Nathan). His phonics, numbers and speech are all very good and during the next term we will start getting homework for him in the form of reading books and sounds of the week. Probably the biggest surprise was that his teach told us he is very independent at school where as at home he is very dependant! For example at school he always feeds himself fine on his own whether having school dinners or packed lunch, yet at home he gets lazy and slow with his eating and expects one of us to feed him.
Anyway overall it seems both boys are doing very well and there are no causes for concern at the moment.

1 comment:

Nicky xxx said...

Well done Joshua and Brandon, very proud of you both. Keep up the good work! xxx