Saturday 6 June 2015

Forest Glade Presentation Day 2015

Today was our annual presentation day at Forest Glade which started with all the kids participating in a couple of hours of football training with the Chelsea coaches. As usual I ended up getting roped into helping coach the U6's and U7's with the Chelsea coaches which to be honest I would have preferred not to do. Firstly we had paid for the kids to be trained by Chelsea and secondly I wanted to watch the Chelsea coaches myself as you can always learn more from them to help improve your own coaching skills.
Anyway after the training we sat in the glorious sunshine as each team was called up 1 by 1 to receive their annual trophy. As our U7's started playing in the league this year we also got to nominate 3 additional trophies for Clubman, Most Improved Player and Managers Player. Between myself and coach Lee we awarded these to Joshua's team mates Alfie, Lorne and Alex (respectively). It was such a proud moment seeing all our boys getting their well earned awards after having such a fantastic season.
The icing on the cake today was after the presentation the boys all presented me and coach Lee with a Coach of the Year trophy each and a box of beers.
There's no taking the foot off the pedal just yet as we still have a few more tournaments to get through over the next couple of weeks.
Brandon and all the U6's receiving their presentation day trophies.

My U7 Tigers with all their silverware. So proud of them all and what a great first season in the league we have had.

Me and my football boys with a little Holly squeezed in the middle of us all.

Joshua and Brandon's annual trophy and in the middle my Coach of the Year trophy.

1 comment:

Nicky xxx said...

Well done Brandon, Joshua and Jason, very proud of you all xxx