Thursday 18 June 2015

School Fathers Day Meal

Today I had the pleasure of having my annual Father Day school dinner with the boys. So on went the "I'm the Daddy" t-shirt which has sentimental value to me as my Mum bought it for me, and off I went to meet the boys at the classroom. Once I picked them up they both took my hand and led me down to the hall where we was served with a stonking jacket potato with chilli and cheese, loads of salad and coleslaw all followed up with a nice tub of vanilla ice cream. The best lunch I have had in ages! Even more surprising is how quickly Brandon seems to eat at school!!!! I wish he would eat that quickly at home. Maybe it is because if he is slow at school then he loses out on playtime.
Fathers day lunch at Abacus school, check out the size of my jacket potato.

1 comment:

Nicky xxx said...

Daddy's day dinner does look delicious! xxx