Monday, 15 June 2015

Holly's Gymnastics

At just a year and a half old Holly has started her first gymnastics club. Tina took her along to a little toddler gym class at the Sporting Village today and she thoroughly enjoyed herself. Apparently she was running around everywhere, grinning from ear to ear and when it came time to leave she started balling her eyes out crying as she didn't want to leave. Its such a great idea to get kids active and to start getting them into gymnastics at a young age.
Holly at her new gymnastics club at the Sporting Village.

Such a beautiful smile as she has a little bum slide.

Needing a bit of help to get out of the ball pit.

Our little monkey on the high bars.

Desperately trying to roll herself over this tube thingy.

Now that whats you call "in to deep"!

Very confident on her feet navigating a little obstacle course.

And back to the start again for another go.

Holy playing hide-n-seek.

Such a happy little girl just enjoying herself at the gymnastics club.

Looks more like a Cross Fit class with some tyre flips.

And as always Holly was practising her hand stand push-ups.

Starting her young on the pummel horse.

Having a little bit of trouble reaching the parallel bars.

1 comment:

Nicky xxx said...

Love these piccies, Holly looks so happy and very sure of herself. Future Olympian...hmmm xxx