Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Cubs Final Session of 16/17 School Year and Bear Gryll's Survival Training

I just found some pictures that were taken from the boys final night at Cub's before the 2017 Summer Shutdown. They all went over to Belchamps Activity Centre where they enjoyed an evening of pedal kart racing and the water rollerz. For some reason the leaders got lots of pictures of Brandon but not many of Joshua.
Also carrying on with the outdoor themes during the summer holidays the boys have enjoyed 2 days at their Wizz Kids day club. The first was a Bear Gryll's survival day and the second was an outdoor Nerf wars day. Joshua in particular is a big fan of Bear Gryll's and seemed to really enjoy his day. I haven't managed to get many details about what the learnt or did other than that they went on a hike and lit a fire. In the Nerf wars Joshua was accused of cheating on one occasion when he managed to grab the other teams flag but the leader then told him that he had been shot.

Brandon on the pedal karts at Belchamps.

Wonky helmet and all....

Brandon in one of the water rollerz.

Joshua and some of the other Cubs at the with the winning karting trophy.

The final Cubs nights for the 2016/17 school year comes to an end.

Joshua and Brandon on their Bear Gryll's hike with the Wizz Kids day club.

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