Monday 21 August 2017

Isle of Wight Day 1

This year we had an early summer holiday to Menorca back in May, but we still wanted to take the kids away somewhere during the summer holidays. So this year we opted for a camping trip on the Isle of Wight staying at Languard campsite in Shanklin. The holiday had to be pulled forward a week as work wanted me to go to Korea the week we was originally booked. This worked out to be a blessing in disguise as the weather last week was perfect for a UK holiday. We pretty much had 20 degrees and sunshine most of the week with the odd clouds. We took rain coats with us but they remained in the car all holiday as the only rain we had was over night.
The Isle of Wight is perfect with the kiddies as it is only a 2 hour drive down to Portsmouth and then they have the excitement of getting on the Ferry over to Fishbourne. Once in the Isle of Wight we only had about a 15 minute drive before we arrived at the camp site. I felt sorry for Joshua as he was sharing a TV screen with Holly during the journey whilst Brandon was listening to Linkin Park on his screen. All Holly wanted to watch all holiday was the new Boss Baby film and by the end of the week I think Joshua now knows it word for word.
Anyway we got the tent pitched up relatively quickly and a few kind campers came and offered a hand when it camp to pulling the tent upright. The first day we really just explored the site, the kids played in the park for a bit, then Holly helped me cook some hot dogs for our first camp dinner. After dinner we played in the arcades for a bit and then turned in for the night.
The day of the holiday and everyone was getting excited.

The car was completely rammed, roof box and all. I think we are going to need a trailer as believe it or not the S-Max just isn't big enough.

Our arrival at Portsmouth Harbour.

We had a bit of time before boarding our ferry so we went in to town to grab some lunch and then visited the famous Spinnaker Tower.

The kids found it fascinating that we were driving our car on to a boat.

I had to take this picture of our car from above to get Tina in to trouble for scratching the top of Nicky and Paul's roof box earlier in the week in a car park incident (she thought no one would notice!).

My little crew on the ferry as we leave Portsmouth for Fishbourne.

Brandon taking in the sites of the Spinnaker.

Tina and Holly....

Me, Holly and B.

This was the Wightlink Ferry that took us to the IOW.

As we left the harbour we noticed an impressive kite festival taking place on the beach.

The wifey and kiddies........

Once we arrived at the camp site we were completely set-up in just a little over an hour and a half.

After a long day Brandon chills on the camp sofa.

The boys exploring the campsite play area. I think they are both too big for this slide.

Holly was happy as she had found a swing.

Brandon was racing Josh up the rope pull wall.

Holly eventually found the slide once she was bored with the swing.

The boys really got interested in playing draughts on holiday. It was actually really nice to stand back and just watch them playing together nicely.

Holly helping me prepare our first camp meal of pasta, sweet corn and hot dogs.

Hot dogs cooked and Holly giving the pasta a stir for me.

I think Holly was really happy and enjoying helping prepare the food with me.

Our first camp meal of 2017 in IOW.

Tent and car looking good...... all in blue.

Later in the evening we hit the arcades for some fun.

Holly just loves the 2p machines and spent just about every evening on these machines.

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