Sunday, 6 August 2017

Festival of Wheels

Yesterday we got tickets to take the kids the "Festival of Wheels" car show which was being held over at Barleylands Farm. We was under the impression that the show was actually in Barleylands itself but it was surprisingly being held on our very own Forest Glade grounds and even worse than that the Red Dragon monster truck display was exactly on the bit of land which has been assigned for my U9 Tigers that I coach!!!!! I was cringing watching the land getting chewed up and even worse seeing them driving over and crushing cars into our training ground. I just hope all the debris is cleared up and I don't have kids falling over into bits of car shrapnel.
The car show itself was pretty poor. There was a reasonable selection of cars and a few movie cars but given what we saw a few weeks ago at the Damn Yankees and given how the Festival of Wheels was advertised, I'd have to say it was disappointing. There was plenty of stalls selling bits and pieces and lots of overpriced fast food outlets. There was plenty of activities for the kids with BB guns, paint ball guns, pony rides, bouncy castles, fair ground rides and so on.
So although the car show was pretty poor we actually had a good day out and the kiddies seemed to really enjoy themselves. I think the weather really affected the turn out yesterday as there was the odd downpour throughout the day. The Facebook reports seem to indicate that today was a lot better but we couldn't make it today as Tina and Brandon did a boot sale to try and make some extra cash for holiday next week.
Brandon shooting a paint ball gun.

Joshua opted to have 100 shots of a BB machine gun instead of the paint gun.

The man on the stall was kind enough to let Holly have 3 shots of the paintball guns.

We got to watch a motofootball match for the first time. Looks highly skillful and dangerous at the same time. Not quite sure this is the type of football that should be being played on our training grounds at FG!!!

Now is this the WORST ever Ghost Busters replica you have ever seen - a VOLVO!!!! I would be seriously embarrassed if I was one of those dudes asked to dress up and stand by that car!

Brandon and Holly with Herbie and the Citroën C2V from James Bond.

The Bandit.

The stunt show was probably one of the most impressive parts of the day. Absolute nutters.

6 people balanced on a single motorbike.

Driving a quad bike on 2 wheels.

Then a Suzuki Jimmy doing several laps on 2 wheels.

As if that wasn't impressive enough they even managed to drive two laps of the field doing a wheelie in a Jimmy.

Jumping over fire (whilst burning our football training ground!!!).

Holly with some dragster cars.

Josh and H in a fire engine.

Brandon with probably one of the best cars in the show, you can't beat a Lambo.

The kiddies sitting in a GTR which is probably Joshua's favourite car. This machine sounded awesome.

Yes look closely and that is Holly sitting inside someones cherished Ford GT40!!!!

Brandon with a rather nice looking McLaren (note him wearing his new t-shirt that he coloured in early today).

Now if I owned a Porsche GT4 there is no way I'd be letting kids jump in and out to have their picture taken.

This car looked more like a red arrow jet than a car.

Joshua, B and H in a rather unusual little car where the roof flips forward to get in and out.

The kiddies really enjoyed sitting in a variety of different cars.

Me and the kiddies on a quad bike (I really want one of these!).

Josh, B and H on another quad bike.

Red Dragon was there but we didn't go on this because A) the queue was too long and B) the boys have ridden this twice before at Brands Hatch.

Holly "dabbing" on a carousel.

Holly having a little donkey ride - only one horse power here.

Joshua also had a donkey ride but Brandon gave it a miss as he was more interested in going and buying a new toy car for his collection.

Holly getting her picture taken with a Princess (or Ariel) - sorry I am not very good at these characters so I stand to be corrected on this one.

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